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Flying Squirrels -lauraw November 28, 2006

Posted by anycomments in Ducks, Economics, Gardening, Terrorist Hemorrhoids.

cuter than bats

We noticed these critters soaring into our locust tree one snowy night several years ago. We had come home at 11 PM after a late dinner out, and I decided to fill the birdfeeders to save time in the morning.

A few minutes later, was having a nightcap and staring into the gloom, and something whizzed by. And again. Again…it took us a while to figure out what they were.

I thought at first they had to be some kind of nocturnal bird because some of them flew in from trees fifty+ yards away. I know they’re technically gliding, but you have got to see it to understand why they’re called flying squirrels. They can change direction in air, and they tend to pull up sharply as they approach the tree they’re landing on.

 Anyway, we’ve been feeding them at night ever since.

Owl snack

Can’t stress enough how hard it is to get a picture of these critters. They move like greased lightning among the branches, always swiveling and leaping. Almost machine-like in their speed. And, of course, it is pitch black outside so you have to be right on with the flash.

We cut that tree down recently, so hubby nailed a basket to a big maple tree out back and that is the new peanut place.

They congregate in the pines at dusk and scold me until they see me walk out with the cup of peanuts. High pitched squeaks coming from everywhere. The little ratones have got me trained.


1. Moses the Beagle - November 28, 2006


2. Retired Geezer - November 28, 2006

Borrow the neighbor’s night-vision video camera.
He’s not using it as much since you closed the blinds.

Unless he loaned it to Michael.

3. Mr Minority - November 28, 2006

I didn’t know flying squirrels were indigenous to America. Cool!

4. Dave in Texas - November 28, 2006

On an unrelated subject, always use proper handgun safety discipline when committing a crime.

“Quick Draw McGraw” fobs crime by shooting himself in the testicle

You just have to ask yourself one question. “Do I feel lucky”?. Well do ya, punk?

5. kevlarchick - November 28, 2006

Little darlings.

6. skinbad - November 28, 2006

Filthy creatures.

7. skinbad - November 28, 2006

Oops. Thought I was in the Pamela Anderson/Kid Rock thread. My bad.

8. Dave in Texas - November 28, 2006

rats with stretchy skin to fly. rodents.

9. anycomments - November 28, 2006

Geezer, we have been thinking of setting up a nightvision crittercam.

All Winter long, we have this variety of flying squirrel, the ‘Southern’ flying squirrel. ‘Northern’ flying squirrels are more of a Canada thing, but they also have habitat in neighboring states.

We spoke to a wildlife guy who says that no one has ever seen a Northern flying squirrel in Connecticut, which is odd, because they are fairly common even slightly south of us.

We told him that in late Spring, just before we stop feeding them for the season, a larger, redder flying squirrel will show up and bully the little grey guys off the feeder at night. They also have a tendency to go to the ground a little, whereas the greys never touch land. We had always assumed they were Northern flying squirrels.

He got excited and told us to catch one so he could test it.

Yeah, right.

10. Retired Geezer - November 28, 2006

He got excited and told us to catch one so he could test it.

Trouble Brewing.

Same advice I give to Spudder’s handlers.
Wear Gloves.

11. BrewFan - November 28, 2006

He got excited and told us to catch one so he could test it.

Ahh, yes. Probably SAT’s (Squirrel Aptitude Test).

12. lauraw - November 28, 2006


He was actually hinting that killing one might be the easiest thing to do.
I’m not spending my spare time trying to figure out how to kill a chipmunk-sized piece of lightning, if the guy is too damn lazy to come out the house and see for himself that’s his problem.

13. BrewFan - November 28, 2006

Its easy to catch a squirrel. Just climb a tree and act like a nut!

14. Dave in Texas - November 28, 2006

I was bitten by a squirrel when I was 7… chased him up a tree and reached into his habitat. He latched onto my finger and we both fell about 15 feet. Still have the scar.

Little bastard.

Mom was all freaked and took me to the doc, who said if it was a squirrel they’re rodents and don’t carry rabies.

Came to find out later what he meant was it was unlikely that they carried rabies, but they could.

Thanks doc.

15. Rocky the Flying Squirrel - November 28, 2006

I’m not spending my spare time trying to figure out how to kill a chipmunk-sized piece of lightning

You can’t kill what you can’t see, little sister. Don’t go lookin for trouble.

Don’t be hatin on us.

16. Pupster - November 28, 2006

What Moses said.

17. Bullwinkle - November 28, 2006

Hi Rocky!

18. composmentis - November 28, 2006

and we both fell about 15 feet.

Landed on your head, didn’t you. Explains a lot.

19. eddiebear - November 28, 2006

I guess the funniest thing in my neck of the woods is when my old man fires his pellet gun into a tree hoping to dislodge a squirrel nest. Usually, he misses by a mile. Next, he tries to lob smoke bombs into the tree and misses just as poorly.

Finally, he gives up and just curses at the tree, then goes inside.

20. Michael - November 28, 2006

Hey, eddiebear started a blog today!

21. Capt. Queeg - November 28, 2006

Sure sure.
It’s all nice and sweet — feed the cute little squirrels, look at the cute little squirrels, smile at the cute little squirrels, and then…


Out of nowhwere, they attack.
The cute little squirrels jump on your face and gnaw at your eyeballs, lips, and earlobes. Yeah, sonny, it’s an ugly way to go. I watched a dozen men in my unit get eaten alive by those squirrels. They’re the devil incarnate, I tell you. Pure evil.

22. Capt. Queeg - November 28, 2006

/looks at lauraw

Peanuts go in the cup?

You take cup to tree?

/long pause

Squirrels are in the tree.

/shakes head

23. lauraw - November 28, 2006


Should I be taking the tree to the cup?

24. Dave in Texas - November 28, 2006

Never ever turn your back on them.

25. Retired Geezer - November 28, 2006

And don’t feed them after Midnight.

26. Michael - November 28, 2006

When you feed them, keep a silver cross in your pocket.

I know, I know, you’re not religious.

Just do it.

27. Feisty - November 28, 2006

Reminds me of Raccoon Cam!! Fun for those who are up at odd hours of the night…like…me. Around 12 am is when the coons come out to play mostly.

Nothing better than smoking a _____ and staring at the Coon Cam for hours on end.

28. Rev. Al Sharpton - November 28, 2006

Watch your language, Feisty!!

29. Feisty - November 28, 2006

Don’t you have black issues to ignore like poverty, gang violence, drug dealing, and out-of-wedlock children, Rev. Al?

30. Feisty - November 28, 2006

Ooh! 7:26 CST: A coon’s there now!!!!

Um. Is that a coon?

31. Rev. Al Sharpton - November 28, 2006

All that stuff you mentioned is the fault of Whitey.

Also it’s less lucrative…

32. Rev. Al Sharpton - November 28, 2006

Um. Is that a coon?

Bing bong…

33. Russ from Winterset - November 28, 2006

We’ve got a red squirrel that lives in the maples across the street from our house who’s got MAYBE a half inch of tail left. We first saw him a couple of years ago, and at first, I thought he lost it to the tires of a car, but then I started seeing other squirrels with shortened tails within four or five blocks of our house. We figure that the late spring freeze we had a couple of years ago caught a whole litter of squirrel kits in a shabbily insulated nest and froze off their tails, much like you’ll see the ear ends of newborn calves frozen off after a particularly nasty blizzard.

We refer to him as “Stumpy”, and he looks damn unnatural jumping from tree to tree without a tail, kind of like a skinny groundhog. Whenever he comes over to eat crabapples from the tree in our front yard our cats sit in the window & watch him like kids camped out in front of a Barney video.

I’ve never seen flying squirrels in this part of the country. Those little varmits would be damn entertaining to watch.

34. Feisty - November 28, 2006

All that stuff you mentioned is the fault of Whitey.

I blame the coons. Coons in the garbage can. Coons living in the shed. Coons is dir-tay and fat. Coons even bit the tail off that poor red squirrel near Russ’ house.

Coons is the problem. Once coons got into my neighborhood, it went to the crapper.

Coons: They’re gonna gitcha.

35. Russ from Winterset - November 28, 2006

Right after college, I rented an apartment in the “less affluent” part of Des Moines. I lived in a big ‘ol masonry house that had been subdivided into four apartments, and we were surrounded by lots of big oak trees with an open garage out back. There was a small porch on the back of the house, and I used to sit out there drinking beers after work sometimes. My drinking buddies and I made friends with an urban raccoon who had no fear of people, and we used to bring out a cereal bowl so that our ‘coon could have his own beer & not have to mooch off any of us. He would just walk up on the porch & drink his Busch while keeping one eye on us laughing drunks the whole time.

Some of the less PC of my buddies used to refer to the ‘coon as “our friend from the hood”, and would ask him “hey, where’s your Raiders jacket?” while he was drinking his bowl full of beer. I don’t know what happened to him after I moved out, but I hope he didn’t get whacked by some freaked out non drinker who was worried about why this raccoon with the DT shakes kept knocking on the window while holding a bottle opener and an opened can of Pringles.

If anyone’s interested in more of my boring stories about wildlife, I could tell the one I heard from my father about “that unlucky squirrel and the reason why Iowa State University took handguns away from their campus security officers”.

36. lauraw - November 28, 2006

Thing is, Russ, you never see them because they’re nocturnal. This was a totally flukey situation over here. We just had the perfect tree. 45 feet tall (they have to be able to glide to the bottom of the next tree), lots of cover from owls, and a protected spot to dine from in the conifers nearby.

The first time we saw them it was snowing pretty hard, and we got the definite impression that they were starving and had come a ways.

Our yard was like an airport that night, so many of them flitting into the tree from all directions, we kept refilling the fork and they didn’t even care that we were standing right next to the tree staring at them.

The only other person I know who has seen them has a horse barn several towns away, and her loft is infested with them.

No one else around here has seen them or even heard of them being here, except the neighbors and friends that we’ve shown.

I understand that they make good and long-lived pets though.

37. BrewFan - November 28, 2006

I rented an apartment in the “less affluent” part of Des Moines

I have kinfolk in Des Moines so you were no doubt in close proximity. Let me guess; South 30 something street? lol!

38. daveintexas - November 28, 2006

better than being a monkey airport.

39. Russ from Winterset - November 28, 2006

I realize that a nocturnal critter is much harder to see, but I’ve never seen a dead one on the side of the road, the landing skids they leave in the snow, or any sign of them in all my years of sitting in the woods with a loaded gun. I suppose we’ve got them, but the fox squirrels (I mistakenly called Stumpy a Red Squirrel, when he’s actually a Fox Squirrel – sorry about that) are pretty much the dominant ones in this part of the state. Grays are more common in the Eastern part of Iowa, since I’ve seen plenty of them in the City Parks in Iowa City or Cedar Rapids, but we don’t get as many of them out here in the South Central part of Iowa.

Grays (and flyers, I guess) are more adapted to forests, while Foxes are adapted to mixed forest/cropland/pasture cover like we’ve got around here.

40. Russ from Winterset - November 28, 2006

Brew, actually it was SW 30th, just South of Drake University. I’m not saying it was the hood, yo…but I did make sure to be friendly with all the “Raiders Fans” who hung out on a porch down the block.

41. lauraw - November 28, 2006


It is my understanding that flying squirrels almost never touch ground.
The Northern will, looking for fallen fruit, nuts or buried edible (to them) fungus near the base of a tree, but I don’t know how you’d distinguish that from the marks of a chipmunk, mouse, or other squirrel.
‘me put it to you this way: you see birds all the time, yeah? Thousands upon thousands of them.

Not a lot of birdkill lying about, is there? You’d think, with all the birds we see every day, the carcasses would be everywhere to be found. But they are not.

Rufous-sided Towhees abound in this area, I hear. Have never seen a live one. Only one dead one, on a hike. Looked fresh, too, like something had just killed it and ran away as we approached.

I never knew we had so many goldfinches until I put out black thistle seed. They appeared in so many numbers I was flabbergasted.

The only time I’ve ever seen a goldfinch other than on a feeder was once, on a fence laden with bindweed by an empty lot. Once.

And then they have the nerve to show up in the dozens and fight over my paltry four-post feeder.

Baltimore Orioles? Seen them only twice in the wild in all my thirty-six years. And I have done a lot of hiking in their prime habitat. A LOT of hiking. My husband has seen their nests on walks in the woods, but never the bird.

Put a ground-level birdbath in my yard near some flowering/fruiting trees, now I see them almost every day in the Summer, splashing around like they don’t care who sees them.

Do not get me STARTED on coyotes.

42. Capt. Quint - November 28, 2006

My name is Quint, not Queeg.


Come on. None of you dummies remember the scene from Jaws?

43. daveintexas - November 28, 2006

USS Indianapolis.

Over 1400 men went into the water that night.

44. Retired Geezer - November 28, 2006

our cats sit in the window & watch him like kids camped out in front of a Barney video.

lol Russ.

45. Russ from Winterset - November 28, 2006


Tell me about it. They’re thicker than hell around here. I live within three blocks of the East edge of our small town, and I can hear them singing out by the limestone quarry about half a mile East of me on clear nights. Out on the farm where I grew up, they used to come up in the yard and have “rap-offs” with our old border collie. The only thing thicker than coyotes in Iowa is deer. I swear to God, they’re almost as common as farm animals out here. We’ve got ones out at our South place that come up and eat from the salt feeders right along with the cows.

The coyotes stay well fed on deer they kill themselves and roadkill deer, plus housepets and dead farm animals. We’ve even gotten bobcats back in the state (I saw one a few years ago on a Saturday afternoon, pure luck that I saw it), and mountain lions have even started to come back. My brother-in-law saw one crossing a road in front of his combine last fall, and a couple of them have been killed by cars in the Western part of Iowa. Some of the “black helicopter” crowd think the Dept. of Natural Resources is bringing them in to control the deer, but that’s just crazy talk. Cougars are like any other predator. They’ll eat deer if that’s the easy thing to catch, but as long as there are housecats and foo-foo lap dogs to be had, deer won’t be at the top of their shopping list, unless you consider roadkill. Housepets are like the McDonalds drive up to a top predator like a cougar, or maybe the White Castle, depending on the size of the pet.

Most of the state/county roadkill cleaning crews just throw the carcasses further into the right-of-way ditch, which means you see a LOT of carrion eaters along the roads partaking of the feast.

I’m just saying that I don’t think this part of the state is overly friendly to “thick forest” critters like flying squirrels. If they DID live around here, they’d have a hard time jumping from tree to tree, unless they just cruised around the same seven or eight trees over & over again all night like teenagers with Dad’s car on Friday night.

46. Captain Queeg - November 28, 2006

Geez, who’s the movie retard that doesn’t know the difference between me & shark boy? I proved with perfect, geometric logic that my movie kicked the hell out of that FX laden piece of crap, and I had the disadvantage of having Fred Freakin’ McMurray starring with me.

Don’t make me go upside your head with my ball bearings.

47. Capt. Quint - November 29, 2006

Queeg, you think impersonating fictional characters is easy?

It’s not, bitch.

Besides, don’t you have some missing strawberries to worry about?

P.S. I just gotta say that sometimes I crack myself up.
This is killin’ me:

Peanuts go in the cup?

You take cup to tree?

/long pause

Squirrels are in the tree.

/shakes head

48. Wickedpinto - November 29, 2006

You guys get flying squirrels, and ferral cats, true I had those two visits from the racoon, but other than ordinary everyday long tailed rats, my wild-life consists of kids in $300 cars, with $5K sound systems STILL listening to “my name is (slim shady)” except for when I was living elsewhere, like in cocoa beach, with roaches the size of your flogging head, Oki, where you would unscrew your light bulbs so that the cycada’s would stop flying into the window sounding like artillery, and the palms where you lay flat on your bed, lean over, shake your socks to make sure there isn’t a scorpion or a brown recluse is in there.

I need better wildlife in my life!

OH! I did see a whiled burrough, or mule like creature on my way back from lake havasu, of course, I didn’t see it very early on, so I had to slam on my breaks (only time I ever engaged “anti-lock” in my own car while driving) swerve out of it’s path and wind up in the wrong lane face the wrong direction, but hey!

Yeah, flying squirell’s thats cool.

And I am confident that flying squirells exist on every continent.

49. geoff - November 29, 2006

a whiled burrough

That’s pretty good.

50. Wickedpinto - November 29, 2006

That wasn’t intentional. geoff.

How the hell do I do so well for so long, only to close out like a retard?

51. Wickedpinto - November 29, 2006

Also LauraW?

when did flying squirells learn to roast peanuts?

Of course you are gonna catch a picture of a wild creature when you coax them with your nummy concoctions.

I mean, hell, I might allow a photo be taken of my naked body if I had a platter of pooter laying out in the open.

52. geoff - November 29, 2006

That wasn’t intentional. geoff.

It just struck me as an unusual spelling mistake. You obviously hear your words and then write them down as quickly as you can, so you’re phonetically accurate. To complicate two words as you did, still create two valid words, and maintain the phonetic accuracy – well, that’s an indication of how bright you really are.

I alternate between writing per an inner voice and writing per visualized instruction and feedback. The former is better for prose quality and the latter is better for analytic content and proofreading. Unfortunately the latter mode has dominated my writing for the bulk of my professional career, which is one reason I started writing comments and blog posts.

Visual versus auditory processing and thinking is a fascinating topic, and one that I want to write about some day. I’ve got Marshall MacLuhan’s Gutenberg Galaxy, which talks about the transformation of humankind from a talking/singing/listening creature to a reading/watching/writing creature. There was a study a couple of years ago on the same topic, where they claimed that our brains were changing as a result of the strong preference for visual information processing.

But watching you write, I’m starting to warm up to Michael’s theory.

53. Wickedpinto - November 29, 2006

I’m wordy on the net, sometimes, when I feel the need to, and actually do intimidate people (more common than I like) to shutting up. I get wordy, cuz I want people to understand every word I’m saying, since I so rarely get a chance to (not on the net, but in life, I’m a very quiet guy, I litteraly go days without speaking a single word to a single person even though I interact with people regularly.)

I’m not some closet ivory tower lecturer, I’m the contained bookworm dork (with a better body, in all likeliehood, than you 🙂 doing his best to write what he thinks, in the same ways that he has read them.

At my best, I’m a plagiarist of grammar, at my basic, I would come off as a buffoon. I know I engage in buffoonery, but I’m rarely ever a buffoon, exept for the apologencia of my own specific failure already mentioned.

The only reason I have “prose” as michael said, is because I stole the techniques of written language from some very talented people.


Thats different.

I developed a deap voice (BTW, does anyone realize that our VOICES are CHOICES? we TRAIN our voices?) cuz my family has deep voices, unfortunately I only developed two.

“projecting” (loud) and “severe” (subtle and soft) so I tend to blow out my voice in the real world.


54. Wickedpinto - November 29, 2006

all the things about my “voice” and how much I speak, is meant about the real world, but I mixed up the words, so, blah.

55. lauraw - November 29, 2006

unless they just cruised around the same seven or eight trees over & over again

Wow Russ, its so hard for me to imagine that.

A flying squirrel could probably make it across this state in any number of ways without ever touching the ground. When you climb up on a hill and get a panoramic view of Connecticut, you’re pretty much just looking at trees.

56. Retired Geezer - November 29, 2006

Queeg, you think impersonating fictional characters is easy?

“We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

Can’t believe I forgot that one.

57. Retired Geezer - November 29, 2006

does anyone realize that our VOICES are CHOICES?

Amen, Brother.
I used to be a DJ, the radio kind not the rappin’ kind, and I was able to change my voice into the ballsy, wimmin pleasin’, instrument that it is today.

OK, not so much anymore cause I’m out of practice.

I think ‘Everyone’ should be forced to listen to at least an hours recording of their own voice. The world will be a better place when these whiners, cretins and losers realize how they sound and quit.

OK that’s Not Gonna Happen.

The other day I was listening to some TV show Mrs. G had on in the other room. The words were indistinct but the Tone of the voice was clear. After about ten minutes of listening to this terrible “song”, I went in to see who was speaking.
It was Heidi Klum.
I know that most of the IB dudes would have her on the “I’d Hit It” list and Wickedpinto already has, but Dude, I’d recommend doing it in a Monastery or someplace where talking isn’t allowed.

58. lauraw - November 29, 2006

“Here’s to swimmin’ with bowlegged women.”

59. Dave in Texas - November 29, 2006

Hey RG,

Play “Misty” for me

60. eddiebear - November 29, 2006


Thanks for the acknowledgement. I’m just trying to find a venue for me to vent without long ass emails to annoy my friends. My only problem is how much time I can devote to it.

61. Russ from Winterset - November 29, 2006


We’ve got trees, but it’s not as thick as you’ve got up in the Northeast. In Iowa, you’ve basically got trees concentrated along river valleys and creeks, with some of the original prairie oak savannahs still around. You also see trees in areas where OLD farmsteads were located (houses built between the Civil War and WW2 that have been gone for years). The timbered land my family owns is mostly oak, elm and walnut trees (with some crap trees mixed into the bag – no offense DinT) in the established parts, with patches of hickory and some areas of hedgeapple trees (osage orange) & red sumac that have grown up on the fringes of pastured open spaces. Unless you’re in a river valley, most stands of timber in Iowa are small groups of trees separated from each other.

Fox squirrels are better adapted to open cover than gray squirrels, and they are dominant here. The grays could still get by with the timbered areas we’ve got here, but I think the foxes drive them out, kind of like you see coyotes drive out red foxes when they move into an area. I’m just assuming that the fox squirrels also put pressure on flying squirrels too, since they would be competing for den space & the like.

We might have the little fellas here in certain places, but I’ve never seen them. Of course, like you said, unless you’re looking for them they’re hard to find.

62. skinbad - November 29, 2006

It was so cold here this morning I saw a squirrel putting ice melt on his nuts.

63. BrewFan - November 29, 2006

I’ll bet that left a mark.

64. Mr. Squirrel - November 29, 2006

They were acorns.

65. Squirrel Dish » Blog Archive » The Elusive Flying Squirrels - November 29, 2006

[…] [via Innocent Bystanders] Sphere It                […]

66. Secret Squirrel - November 29, 2006

Great! Now I can’t do my job at CIA.

67. eddiebear - November 29, 2006

Blame Karl Rove

68. Bart - November 29, 2006

Why is it when I come here, I feel like Oliver Douglass in Hooterville?

69. geoff - November 29, 2006

Flying squirrels, feh. I’m talking flaming squirrels!

70. BrewFan - November 29, 2006

I’m proud of our tough little Wisconsin squirrels. They laugh at danger!

71. Retired Geezer - November 29, 2006

They laugh at danger!

Only it’s real high-pitched, like a 33 being played at 45rpm.

*several IB regulars, including Mrs. Peel, scratch their heads in confusion*

72. Mrs. Peel - November 29, 2006

Sorry RG, I know exactly what that is. You have to remember that I am an anachronism. I even disdain mp3 players and such on the grounds that I think that their use in public is incredibly rude. To me, those little white cords coming out of someone’s ears are basically saying, “F— off, I don’t want to talk to you.”

Maybe it’s just because I am a Southerner. Down here, we tell our life stories to total strangers in the line at the grocery store.

73. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore - November 29, 2006

Only it’s real high-pitched, like a 33 being played at 45rpm.

Are you making fun of us?

74. Bart - November 30, 2006

This (the above) from a girl who is repulsed by the presence of renaissance festival attendees and employees.

75. Michael - November 30, 2006

Nicely done, Bart. I think you just thoroughly skewered Mrs. Peel for her “I am an anachronism” shtick.

76. Wickedpinto - November 30, 2006

Only it’s real high-pitched, like a 33 being played at 45rpm.

How about a 45 played at 78?

77. Wickedpinto - November 30, 2006

I only just realized that this post was batched under “terrorist”

You guys flogging kill me.

78. geoff - November 30, 2006

Good point, WP – I’d missed that. But it’s actually categorized as “terrorist hemorrhoids.”

I hope she wasn’t referring to the first picture.

79. Mrs. Peel - November 30, 2006

I never claimed I was from the Middle Ages. I merely said that I know pop culture from the ’30s-’50s much better than pop culture from any of the decades in which I have actually been alive. And that makes me an anachronism.

Besides, people who don’t wash are disgusting in any time period.

80. eddiebear - November 30, 2006

Mrs P:

So I guess you’re no fan of the French?

81. Mrs. Peel - November 30, 2006

You mean the cheese-eating surrender monkeys?

And by the way, who I am around here is pretty much exactly who I am in person, right down to pretending to be shocked when you guys say risqué stuff.

82. Mr. Haney - November 30, 2006

Can I interest you in this little french nightie, Mrs. Douglas?

83. Feisty - November 30, 2006

Ba da da dum dum….DUM DUM. Ba da da dum dum…DUM DUM.

84. Oliver Douglas - November 30, 2006

Greeeeeeeeeen Acres is the place to be
faaaaaaaarm livin is the life for me!
Laaaaaand spreadin out so far and wide
Keep Manhatten just gimme that country-side!

85. Mrs. Douglas - November 30, 2006

The stores…

86. eddiebear - November 30, 2006

Mrs. P:

I’ll take that as an affirmation.

87. Oliver Douglas - November 30, 2006

fresh air!

88. Feisty - November 30, 2006


89. Russ from Winterset - November 30, 2006

…but you are my wife!

PS – found this at SondraK’s & thought it fit with the topic.


90. Oliver Douglas - November 30, 2006

goodbye, city-life!

Green Acres we are heeeeeere!

91. Michael - November 30, 2006

IB Interesting Factoid Of The Day:

Laura got linked by a site devoted to squirrels.

92. Bart - November 30, 2006

A. Site. Devoted. To. Squirrels.

I’m speechless.

93. Sandy the cat - January 7, 2007

meowwwwwwwwwwww meowwwwwwwww meowwwwwwwwww raahr meowwwwwwwwwwwww

94. Quint - February 9, 2007

This needs to be repeated, (if only to make me laugh).

/looks at lauraw

Peanuts go in the cup?

You take cup to tree?

/long pause

Squirrels are in the tree.

/shakes head

95. beat juggling - February 17, 2007

beat juggling

beat juggling intro

96. Laura's Flying Squirrels -- Not Very Impressive « Innocent Bystanders - March 19, 2007

[…] March 19, 2007 Posted by Michael in History, Music. trackback There were a couple of earlier posts right here and here at Innocent Bystanders that have made us the site to rely on for breaking news about […]

97. harrison - April 26, 2007

Jesus, Jen. Put your clothes on!

98. skinbad - April 26, 2007

“jenifer aniston nude on flying squirrels”

That’s a profitable website idea right there.

99. Rascalsmom - April 29, 2007

We have a flying squirrel, his name is Rascal and a “ball of lightening” doesn’t even do him justice. My mom’s neighbor in MO fell a tree and his mom ran away leaving him and a brother all alone. Years ago when we were kids my mom had raised one from a fallen tree, so the neighbors having heard the stories of “George” brought these to her. We’ve had Rascal about 5 years now, he’s a real joy and a great source of entertainment. Has to be the world richest squirell. My husband has built an awesome habitat for him, hollow log included. He has several staches of pecans (his favorite) all over our house to include the binds of photo albums, every window seal, atop the drapery and just about any other place one could imagine. (Yes of an evening, he’s allowed run of the house) It’s a real treat when we have company, his favorite thrill is to run up your pant leg and right under your shirt. He then takes a few laps around your torso as you jump and dance around squeeling, only to come out the neck or sleeve of your shirt and jump to the next awaiting person. Once he’s calmed down a bit, which doesn’t last long, everyone is amazed at how very soft his fur is. He has been known to sit for awhile in a loose pocket of your shirt or jacket, but he absolutely under no circumstances wants to be held. If I knew of a way to post a picture, I would. I have one of him in my pocket while I fixed pies for Thanksgiving. If you ever have the chance to own one as a pet, I’d highly recommend it.

100. Michael - April 29, 2007

Rascal sounds like a natural crimefighter to me. He clearly has some advanced ninja techniques that could thwart crimes.

101. Retired Geezer - April 29, 2007

his favorite thrill is to run up your pant leg and right under your shirt. He then takes a few laps around your torso as you jump and dance around squeeling,

I have a pet Gila Monster that likes to do the same thing.

Just kidding.

You ever see a Gila Monster. One look and you just Know you don’t want to mess with them.

102. April - November 20, 2007

My toddler found one in our house today! We captured it and it’s in my laundry basket.. going to let it go before it gets dark. I live in East Texas and I had NO idea they were in this part of the US. So cute!

103. Bart - November 20, 2007

Watch out, they bite!

Toddlers, I mean. They’re little snappers, you know.

104. Mr Minority - November 20, 2007

So cute!</i.

And poisonous. do not let your kid near it, it will make him/her very sick or kill them.

105. skinbad - November 20, 2007

Don’t trust the little bastards.

106. ;ladsjkfa;lksjf as;dlfj aworjkvmoigoa3ngojawi - January 3, 2008

I THINK ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY AND STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i dont know why you are talking about your damn family aka wifes if this is a web site about flying squirrels. but i like flying squirrels. How long do flying squirrels last?

107. skinbad - January 3, 2008

You can keep them in the fridge for a few days, but any longer you should go ahead and freeze them.

108. geoff - January 3, 2008

I like turtles.

109. Sobek - January 3, 2008

I like turtles, too.

110. Sobek - January 3, 2008

Other turtles like turtles:

111. lauraw - January 3, 2008

Flying squirrels will live for a surprisingly long time in captivity if you give fresh food plus commercial food formulated for flying squirrels. Ten years or more.
In the wild they usually succomb to predation or calcium deficiency in a few years.

The squirrel food corrects the deficiency and as long as you don’t have any cats or children, predation won’t be an issue either.

112. Dave in Texas - January 3, 2008

a little mustard in the batter takes out that gamey taste too

113. Russ from Winterset - January 3, 2008

“…as long as you don’t have any cats or children or Texans, predation won’t be an issue either.”

Fixed that for you.

114. Russ from Winterset - January 3, 2008

freaking tags. They’re all conspiring against me.

115. Dave in Texas - January 3, 2008

fried squirrel! it’s what’s for dinner

116. MACHELLE JOHNSON - January 17, 2008

what do flying sqirrel DRINK!

117. BrewFan - January 17, 2008

Harvey Walnutbangers

118. skinbad - January 17, 2008

Spurwing has a sister?

119. Lipstick - January 17, 2008

Pink Squirrels

120. skinbad - January 17, 2008

They also seem quite fond of anti-freeze. At least for a little while.

121. BrewFan - January 17, 2008

good one Lipstick! lol!

122. Lipstick - January 17, 2008

Yours was more creative, Brewfan.

123. Anonymous - February 5, 2008

No relation to the “flying snatch”.

124. ChihuaLover - February 27, 2008

I loved your photos of the SFS. I have one myself & they are wonderful.

125. David - August 10, 2008

Dancing With Squirrels ;

My wife Terri and I live in Southwest Mo. , in a small country comunity called Cape Fair , we moved out here from California around 20 years ago “you know “, trading in the rat race for some peace in a much mellower environment near the lake ( Table Rock ) anyway our property is abundent with nature , to make a long story shorter , about 9 or 10 years ago we started noticing the flying squirrels in the night gliding from tree to tree , bird feeder to bird feeder , only a couple came at first , then as time went on more began to show I don’t know for sure but exactly how many are here , but I know we go through 5 – 6 , 40lb. bags of feed a week for our little friends, when we get home, the little guys wait for the outside light to come on, then they know that they only have a few minutes before the feed is put into the feeders, it only takes a few seconds before they are all out and about making there little chirping noise ready to devour the food.
Just a thought… what do you call a group of flying squirrels ??
A Flock ?, A Pack ?, A Cuvy ? ,

126. Retired Geezer - August 10, 2008

I believe it is a “Squadron”.

127. Muslihoon - August 10, 2008

Woohoo! Go Rocky! Get Badenov! (We should send Rocky et al. to Russia: they’re needed!)

128. lauraw - August 10, 2008

200 lbs of feed a week?

That’s insane. I threw a bowlful of peanuts out there once a night and that’s it. You know that they compulsively store a lot of that food, right? The tree hollows around your property must be absolutely loaded with seed!

129. Lipstick - August 10, 2008

I believe it is a “Squadron”.


130. Rick - December 9, 2008

I live in the Naugatuck Valley. Last week, I saw 2 flying squirrels in my backyard. It was dark, I saw something fly and land on the tree, first I thought it was a bat.

Then I got my flashlight and saw it was a flying squirrel. He was very fast to maneuver around the tree, I noticed that he seemed to be walking under the tree branches most of the time.

As it was dark, it was hard to track him, the white under his belly was the thing to watch to follow him, it was usually pointed up, as I stated earlier he was mostly walking under the tree branches making the white belly easy to see.

A few minutes later, I saw another white belly scampering around the tree.

They stayed until the neighborhood cat walked on by, then they must have left. I did not see them leave.

I have lived in my home for about 13 years, this is the first time I ever saw a FS.

Normally I don’t look out my windows at night, but lately I have been putting corn out for the deer, so I have been watching them from my window for several hours a night. That’s what I was doing when I saw these flying squirrels.

131. Evil Con Carne - December 9, 2008

I have a sugar glider. Maybe one of you people should tell me, in a gliding contest between a squirrl and a sugar glider which would go farther? Just a thought gnight.

132. Awfully Fond Memories - July 25, 2009

This entire thread brings back very fond memories and lots of laughs. When I was a little kid, maybe 7ish, we kept a pet flying squirrel for a kid down the street for awhile while he was gone. He’d bottle raised the squirrel from a baby. I LOVED that thing!! Would take him out in the very middle of the back yard. We had a fairly large back yard, one of those that doesn’t have any trees in the middle but has them almost all the way around the edges, and those were mostly pretty large trees too (great for climbing!).

Anyhow, once out in the middle of the yard, I’d cup him in both of my hands and really carefully go WAY down with my arms, bending my knees so my hands were almost to the ground and almost between my legs – and then super fast launch him straight up into the air! You’d do it carefully so he didn’t tumble, just straight up, as high as you could possibly toss him.

He loved it too – he’d stay all tucked up in a tight little ball until he hit the top of the arc, then suddenly POOF, spread all four legs out and glide to a tree… somehow it was always a surprise how he could suddenly get so huge….then once he landed, usually a good ways up a tree, I’d run over to whatever tree he’d landed on… always just a little scared that maybe this time he wouldn’t come back, but sure enough, every time, he’d scoot right down to me, hop onto my hands, and out we’d go into the middle of the yard again for another launch! Talk about an absolute blast for a little kid. 😀

133. lauraw - July 25, 2009


134. Awfully Fond Memories - July 25, 2009

Funny how this hadn’t ever dawned on me before…. but I’ve always pictured Flyer to have been about the size of a typical grey ground squirrel, only with the addition of the skin between his legs…. but I guess he must have been a lot smaller, since my hands were so much tinier back then too!

135. lauraw - July 25, 2009

They’re roughly chipmunk-sized.

136. Anonymous - July 25, 2009

Weeeeelllllllllllllllllll….. not having seen that many live chipmunks up close…. guess I was chipmunk sized at age 7 too!

137. Anonymous - July 25, 2009

This was in the Ft. Worth Texas area… is there any significant size difference in flying squirrels from different parts of the country? I had assumed that sugar gliders were a good bit smaller than flying squirrels, but maybe I’m off there too? I had NO idea flying squirrels could live so long, I guess I’d assumed they were more like hamsters, so I was surprised to read above that they can live 10 to 12 years. That’s really neat!

138. lauraw - July 25, 2009

Apparently in captivity they live much longer not only because of lack of predation, but because the calcium deficiency that plagues them in the wild is corrected in the feed & supplements they get while in human care.

This post is more than two years old, and I have not been feeding them anymore because the other trees are so far away that it’s a pain in the butt in Winter to trudge out there in the snow and cold at night, and I’d never see them anyway.

The flying squirrels and nice shade are the only reasons I miss that messy old Locust tree that used to be up here near the house. It was splitting in half starting right at the crotch we used to put the peanuts in, and had to be cut down.

Now we use the trunk to feed raisins to the Catbirds.

139. lauraw - July 25, 2009

Stump, not trunk.

140. Anonymous - February 23, 2010


141. Anonymous - February 23, 2010


142. texas boy - March 4, 2010

where did ya find him

143. lauraw - March 4, 2010

in my tree

144. candy - June 13, 2010

we live in centerville,texas and just found 5 living in our front tree.
we were told the were not native to texas,but we woukd like to know
more about them.

145. Dave in Texas - June 13, 2010

They will eat your children.

You have to kill them.

Michael - June 14, 2010

Yes. Protect your children.

The best way is to shoot the nest with a 12 gauge shotgun at full choke. Do this around noon, when they are all cuddled up and sleeping. Shoot the nest out of the tree, and then two or three times on the ground to be sure.

146. lauraw - June 14, 2010

Michael, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a blithering idiot.

I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to burn the whole tree down. Like for tent caterpillars.


147. Russ from Winterset - June 14, 2010

Actually, getting close enough to burn or shoot the varmints could cost you your life. Any decent home improvement store should carry Rodent Claymores right next to the Wasp spray & the mothballs. You can either set them up with a command detonator, or rig them to a trip wire, but I wouldn’t recommend the latter if you’ve got outside pets of your own. But then again, outside pets are usually the first victims of flying squirrels.

One important thing to remember: If you don’t know the difference between convex and concave, Rodent Claymores may not be the right tool for you.

148. geoff - June 14, 2010

I think you have to you-know-what from you-know-where.

It’s the only way to be sure.

149. lauraw - June 14, 2010

Russ, you are living in the past. Technology is your friend. The LPO-50 flamethrower can turn a flying-squirrel infested tree into a whooshing inferno from 200 feet away.

The only danger is if one or six of those burning, shrieking squirrels happen to fly to another tree, or your attic. That sucks. Um, when that happens.

But it’s rare, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

150. geoff - June 14, 2010

The LPO-50 flamethrower can turn a flying-squirrel infested tree into a whooshing inferno from 200 feet away.

…and it’s perfect for home defense.

151. lauraw - June 14, 2010

…and stripping paint.

152. Russ from Winterset - June 14, 2010

…and removing weeds from your fencerow?

153. Dave in Texas - June 14, 2010

…and house training that troublesome new puppy.

154. BrewFan - June 14, 2010

One important thing to remember: If you don’t know the difference between convex and concave, Rodent Claymores may not be the right tool for you.

Actually, it says on the convex side “Front” and “Toward Enemy Squirrels”

155. Russ from Winterset - June 14, 2010

Yeah, but how many people actually READ the instructions of any product they buy anymore?

156. Flying squirells | Biancadeacy - May 29, 2011

[…] Flying Squirrels -lauraw « Innocent BystandersThe Official Site of the Richmond Flying Squirrel … Flying Squirrels OFFICIAL INFO … Own a piece of Flying Squirrels history with an autographed, game-worn Flying Squirrels Inaugural Season jersey. The actual jersey the Giants top prospects wore on the field comes complete with the club’s Inaugural Season patch. […]

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