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Goats With A Buzz May 19, 2008

Posted by Michael in History.

We can thank Arabia for one of the great pleasures of life — coffee.

And we owe that discovery to goats with a buzz.

It is only fitting that the history of a beverage so associated with good conversation starts with a storybook-like tale. Native only to parts of subtropical Africa, the stimulating effects of wild coffee beans are said to have been first discovered in about A.D. 800 by an Ethiopian shepherd named Kaldi, whose goats kept him up at nights after feasting on red coffee berries.

The shepherd shared his find with the abbott at a local monastery, where monks first brewed the beans into a hot drink, reveling in the way it kept them awake during long hours of prayer.

That’s cool. Monks got the whole coffee-buzz thing started so they could pray. Well, actually, the goats got it started, but you get my point. Thank you, goats and monks. Those of you who attended the Innocent Bystanders Super Bowl Party have seen that I have a serious coffee machine. I likes my coffee. Apparently, so does this goat:

Romantic exaggeration or not, by A.D. 1000 the bean with a buzz was a favorite among those needing a boost in East Africa as well as across the Red Sea in Yemen, where the crop had migrated over with slaves.

If Ethiopia was the birthplace of coffee, Yemen was where it grew up. The brew first took hold among clerics there too, but spillover into the secular crowd didn’t take long and skyrocketing demand soon led to the world’s first cultivated coffee fields there in the 1300s.

The entire Arabian peninsula became a hotbed of coffeehouse culture, with cafés – called kaveh kanes – on every corner.

By the 15th-century, Mecca resembled a medieval incarnation of Seattle, men sipping steaming mugs over games of chess and political conversations. Coffee houses were such an important place to gather and discuss that they were often called Schools of the Wise.

Eventually, Arabs sold coffee to Europeans, and the effect was revolutionary.

Coffee had much the same effect in Europe when it was introduced there in the 1600s. Cafés were the center of social life, where people with similar interests could gather and talk. The British insurance company, Lloyd’s of London, began as a café popular with sailors who often discussed insurance matters.

But the Arabs sold only roasted beans to protect their lucrative trade. According to legend, this ended when a pilgrim to Mecca smuggled some live beans back to India. The Arabs lost control.

Coffee plants went everywhere that European empires did, taking root in such famous bean-growing regions as Jamaica’s Blue Mountains, the Kona district of Hawaii, Indonesia’s Java Island and the rainforests of Brazil, which remains the world’s biggest producer.

The coffee industry is the main source of income for 25 million small farmers, it is estimated.

It is also the second most important commodity on the planet, after oil.

How Coffee Changed the World | LiveScience


1. Retired Geezer - May 19, 2008

I thought the Mormons invented coffee.

I might be wrong on that.

2. Mrs. Geezer - May 19, 2008

Those of you who attended the Innocent Bystanders Super Bowl Party have seen that I have a serious coffee machine.

Yeah and don’t get between Michael and the coffee machine in the morning.

3. BrewFan - May 19, 2008

^They invented decaf

4. BrewFan - May 19, 2008

#3 was in reference to #1. Mrs. Geezer is quicker on the trigger 🙂

5. Michael - May 19, 2008

Yeah and don’t get between Michael and the coffee machine in the morning.

Didn’t I apologize for knocking you down like that? Didn’t I?

6. Muslihoon - May 19, 2008

It is also the second most important commodity on the planet, after oil.

Hmmmmm. Do you think coffee will be displaced by water in a few decades/centuries?

I saw a documentary in a summer class many years ago that the next wars will not be about oil or gold or land or ideology but, rather, about water; and that the major belligerent parties will be within each region (that is, Middle Eastern parties fighting each other, African parties fighting each other).

One part of that movie was kind of funny. So, they were interviewing this Jordanian government official about Jordan’s problems with water and its disputes with its neighbors (namely Syria and Israel), and how water was becoming scarce in Jordan. Just before his interview, the documentary was showing his mansion…with a huge water fountain in front of the house.

7. Michael - May 19, 2008

Middle Eastern parties fighting each other

I’ve read cogent articles that suggest the entire issue in the Middle East is water rights. For example, the Golan Heights is not about land or strategic position, but control of the Galilee that feeds the Jordan River and sustains all of Israel.

The Nile is another potentially explosive situation. Egypt is 94% desert, with a huge population living on 6% of the land near the river. Egypt basically gets all its water from Ethiopia, which has begun building dams.

8. Muslihoon - May 19, 2008

Very well said, Michael.

Part of the reason why the Turks don’t want to grant independence or autonomy to the Kurds is because some of the most important sources of water are in the Kurdish area. And Turkey is constantly in conflict with Iraq and Syria (as Turkey controls the sources of the Euphrates and Tigris). And one of the key strategies of the Israeli settlements is to maximize Israeli control and use of water in the region: many settlements will never be given up because they’re crucial for Israel’s agriculture. (And to be fair, this “greediness”, as some call it, is perfectly understandable considering how ineffective Palestinian infrastructure is. Plus, the Palestinians have said quite openly that if they regained control of these water sources, they’d not give a drop to Israel.)

In the documentary I wrote about, the government official admitted that if Jordan had control over water sources that they claim which Israel currently controls (and which Israel doesn’t share with Jordan), Jordan too would refuse to share it with Israel.

When it comes to water issues, there really are no bad guys because each party has to look out for itself.

I find this all so fascinating.

9. Enas Yorl - May 19, 2008

“Whiskey is for drinking. Water is for fighting over.” – Mark Twain

10. compos mentis - May 19, 2008

I find it interesting to think about history and how people first discovered things to consume. Coffee is a fine example. People have been, by trial and error, finding some really good and, conversely, really bad shit to eat, drink, and smoke throughout the ages. Which leads me to a question I often ponder . . . I wonder who the first sorry s.o.b. was who tried to get a buzz by smoking poison ivy?

11. eddiebear - May 19, 2008

I know this thread is for coffee, but I guess this is as close as I’ll get.

For mother’s day, my brother sent my mom home from The Desert a Tea Kit made in the style that they brew/drink over there, including some tea he somehow got ahold of from somewhere over there (the less I know, the better). The thing that held the loose tea was a glass bowl with thin slits up and down the sides. We put it in a bigger glass of really hot water, and let the tea and hot water mix in the bigger glass thing.

And then, we poured it in those small glasses used over there. They had all kinds of ornate artwork on them. They were pretty neat. And the tea was the sweetest and yet strongest I have ever tasted.

12. Michael - May 19, 2008

The Spurs closed out the Hornets in Game 7, in New Orleans.

Final Score:

San Antonio: 91
New Orleans: 82

The Spurs finally beat the third quarter jinx and won a road game.

The Spurs will now meet Kobe and the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals.

13. lauraw - May 19, 2008

How beer was discovered by the Egyptians is kind of an interesting thing. The sprouting of barley grains in water and the accidental fermentation of same, etc.

I can’t believe somebody actually said, “Hey, let’s drink that mess and see what happens.”

But I’m glad they did.

I believe poison sumac was discovered by John Bartram. Might be wrong about who it was, but I think it was him.

Whoever it was, I’m pretty sure I remember it was during a New World horticulture outing, and he seized upon it because he thought the young reddish, cut leaves were pretty and someone in Europe might buy it.

He had a few bad days in the wilderness after that.

14. Mrs. Peel - May 19, 2008

Coffee is bitter. I will stick to cookies for my morning pick-me-up. mmm cookies!

15. geoff - May 19, 2008

Sumerians. The Sumerians invented beer.

16. eddiebear - May 20, 2008

But who invented donuts?

17. Lipstick - May 20, 2008

Mrs. Peel, Mr. Lipstick is forever scarred by his mother refusing to buy Oreos and instead stocking the dreaded, inferior Hydrox. Plus she would use carob in the homemade cookies.


18. geoff - May 20, 2008

Hey, if he’s not going to eat those Hydrox cookies…

19. lauraw - May 20, 2008

Why, when we were children we only dreamed of having Hydrox cookies…

20. daveintexas - May 20, 2008

Dreaming of Hydrox cookies?!? Oh that’s the life, that is. When I was a young lad we could only dream of dirt cookies, and a glass of warm swill.

21. geoff - May 20, 2008

You had warm swill? Ours was always cold. Except in winter, when we made swill popsicles.

22. eddiebear - May 20, 2008

I hated Oreos growing up. Our big thing was Yellow Hostess Cup Cakes and the Little Debbie Zebra Snake Cakes.

To this day, I cannot bring myself to eat Suzy Q’s, since an unfortunate experience in 2nd grade that wound up with me throwing up on the girl sitting in front of me.

23. lauraw - May 20, 2008

Is cake is the only food that comes in the flavor ‘yellow?’

24. geoff - May 20, 2008


25. PattyAnn - May 20, 2008

Ummm, bananas? Ripe bananas.

26. geoff - May 20, 2008


27. daveintexas - May 20, 2008

Frozen swill popsicles?? Cor! What I wouldn’t have given for a frozen swill popsicle. Out popsicles were composted grunge, on a stick from a tree limb. With roofing nails.

28. Pupster - May 20, 2008


29. Muslihoon - May 20, 2008

You’re lucky you had trees. We had to freeze cow dung and use that as sticks.

30. harrison - May 20, 2008

You people had food?

31. harrison - May 20, 2008

And mouths to eat it with?

32. Sobek - May 20, 2008

We used to dream of using frozen cow dung. We had to use live cobras smothered in kerosene and thumbtacks!

33. Sobek - May 20, 2008

Which, since we were too poor to have mouths, we had to ingest through our nostrils.

34. Retired Geezer - May 20, 2008

I was going to try to add something to this thread but it would fall sadly short. I’ll just sit back and enjoy it.

35. Muslihoon - May 20, 2008

You had nostrils? We had to breathe through our eyes. And ingest food through our rears.

36. Russ from Winterset - May 20, 2008

Let’s get back to the real story here, people. Goats. I effing hate goats. I hate them with the white hot scorn that comes from growing up on a farm where goats were tolerated.

Coffee? Meh. I don’t mind it, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to join the Cult of Starbucks and start paying $3.50 for a cup of mocha frappuchino grande whatever. Convenience store coffee, with a touch of cream & sugar, thankyouverymuch.

37. Retired Geezer - May 20, 2008

Dang, Russ. I was just thinking about buying a goat to eat the weeds here at Camp Geezer.
The horses will eat some of them like cheat grass and foxtails but they won’t eat White Top, which is a good thing because it’s poisonous to them.
My neighbor said if I get a Nubian nanny goat and stake her out on a chain, she will take care of the weed problem. Just don’t let her get within eating distance of anything we don’t want destroyed.

What say you?

38. Lipstick - May 20, 2008

You guys crack me up.

39. Conservative Belle - May 20, 2008

You should get some of those fainting goats. That way when Russ visits, he can scare them and convince himself that he killed them. A twisted sort of pleasure.

40. geoff - May 20, 2008

And ingest food through our rears.

Oh, Lord it over us, Mr. I’ve-Got-My-Own-Butt. We only had one butt, so we had to share. I only got to sit down once a week, and I don’t need to tell you what I spent that day doing.

41. harrison - May 20, 2008

They let you sit down?

42. lauraw - May 20, 2008

OH, how we would have loved to have a butt to share amongst us! We had to shuffle along on our bellies for six miles to get in line to wait to use the Public Butt- which was filthy as you can probably imagine – with our lower colons hanging free and paperclipped to our shirttails to keep the dirt out.

43. Michael - May 20, 2008

I had to play the clarinet.

44. eddiebear - May 20, 2008

The son of the owner of where I work has a friend who is a manager of a Starbucks here in STL. As a result, we get a shitload of coffee for feee.

Good times.

45. eddiebear - May 20, 2008

I had to learn how to throw a curveball at 11

46. eddiebear - May 20, 2008
47. eddiebear - May 20, 2008

sorry for the double post.

48. geoff - May 20, 2008

our lower colons hanging free and paperclipped to our shirttails

Paperclips. So they really exist. Legends were told, but few believed. If only I could see one before I die.

49. Sobek - May 20, 2008

I say Michael wins.

50. harrison - May 20, 2008

If only I could see one before I die.

You get to die?

51. lauraw - May 20, 2008

geoff is on fi-yah

52. geoff - May 20, 2008

…but I didn’t leave a hook, for which I apologize.

53. lauraw - May 20, 2008

A HOOK?! Unimaginable luxury- why, we would have thought we’d died and gone to heaven…

54. sandy burger - May 20, 2008

I cannot look at goats without laughing. For some reason, they crack me up.

55. sandy burger - May 20, 2008

I can’t really tell the difference between Oreos and Hydroxos or whatever they’re called. I used to like them as a kid, but now the thought of eating one makes me sick. Somewhere along the way, I lost my sweet tooth.

56. sandy burger - May 20, 2008

Paperclips. So they really exist.

Now I know why those lurkers are so reluctant to comment. I mean, how do you just jump into a conversation like this?

57. Michael - May 20, 2008

I mean, how do you just jump into a conversation like this?

I know. It must be a daunting challenge to dumb down to our level on short notice. It takes years of practice to be this stupid.

58. Sobek - May 20, 2008

“I mean, how do you just jump into a conversation like this?”

You have to get on board early, before someone else takes the joke about snorting a live cobra.

59. Michael - May 20, 2008

Personally, I refuse to do cobra-snorting jokes any more. It’s been done to death. I think it’s beneath me.

60. daveintexas - May 20, 2008

SHIRTTAILS? Oh, well la-tee-daaa. Tails attached to shirts.

Many’s the time I recall mum wrapping us up in tin foil and a little plastic wrap and sending us off to the coal mines for the 14 hour workaday, lunch tins filled with rotting fish and a cigarette but no matches. I would have given my left testicle for a shirt to wear… unimaginable luxury!!

61. harrison - May 20, 2008


62. Sobek - May 20, 2008

Kids these days don’t know how good they have it.

63. BrewFan - May 20, 2008


64. GrumpyUnk - May 20, 2008

52. geoff – May 20, 2008
…but I didn’t leave a hook, for which I apologize.
This talk of butts and hooks reminds me of the story of why Dogs sniff each others butts.
Seems that all the dogs went to a party where they hung there asses on the coat hooks. Someone yelled “FIRE!” and they all took off running.
Going back later, it was pandemonium and they took what butt hole they could find.
To this day they continue to seek out their own. So there you have it. Or so I was told by an old Chicago folk singer many years ago.

Sounds as logical as Goats inventing coffee.

And don’t get me started on F**king, Starbucks.

65. Sobek - May 20, 2008

^That’s the most oddly-placed comma I’ve seen today, Grumpy.

66. sandy burger - May 20, 2008

Kids these days don’t know how good they have it.

I may have posted this link before, but anyhow, here’s an mp3 of Ernie Cline’s rant, When I Was A Kid. Kids these days wouldn’t last five minutes back in 1987.

67. sandy burger - May 20, 2008

(Oops, forgot to mention: contains some bad language, so maybe NSFW.)

68. Mrs Peel - May 20, 2008

Dave, you had testicles? In my day, we had to use ping-pong balls filled with mousse. Nobody got pregnant, which was good, since we didn’t have birth canals. Men had to give birth through their dicks like hyenas.

69. Lipstick - May 20, 2008

Actual quote from my Dad from years ago:

“What you kids need is a good depression to teach you the value of money!”

70. skinbad - May 20, 2008

Your hyenas had dicks? Where was this again? The Garden of Eden?

71. Mrs Peel - May 21, 2008

Naw, they didn’t have dicks. They had to make do with enlarged clitorises.

72. Guest Workers - May 21, 2008

We were brought in to mow and blow the Eden Garden. You know, do the stuff Adam and Eve weren’t willing to do. We were tossed back over the wall every evening.

73. sandy burger - May 21, 2008

Great. Thanks, Mrs. Peel, for reminding me of the fact that, as a direct result of reading AoS HQ, I know far more about hyena genitalia than probably 99.999% of humanity. Another proud day for me.

74. Sobek - May 21, 2008

I swear, if you retards get any goofier, you’re going to cause a tear in the space-time continuum. The universe wasn’t designed to handle this sort of thing.

75. lauraw - May 21, 2008

*waves Fecal Particle Density Meter around the thread*

*checks LCD display*
*taps the screen*

Holy moly. We buried the meter.

Either this is the most retarded thread ever, or somebody actually crapped their pants.

76. geoff - May 21, 2008

Maybe it’s the way you’re storing the FPDM. You should keep it away from FP’s when it’s not in use.

77. lauraw - May 21, 2008

*unclips carry case from back pocket*

78. Dave in Texas - May 21, 2008

Pants?! Pants? Sheer bliss. Oh weren’t you living high on the fat of the land. In my day a pair of trousers were as rare as scum for dinner. Mom grabbed whatever carpet scraps were laying around in the dustbin and stapled them to our arses.

79. lauraw - May 21, 2008

Oh, HO HO! Listen to you, with your fancy staples and your abundance of carpet scraps! Such finery was never seen in my day, no sir.

We rolled around in a muck-wallow to cover our nakedness, and we were glad to have it.

80. skinbad - May 21, 2008

I remember the year I asked my mother for a muck-wallow for Christmas. She turned away quickly, but I saw the tears. When she composed herself, she said something about the need to “know your place in this world.”

81. geoff - May 21, 2008

Christmas – that would have been a treat. We had Stick-in-the-Eye Day instead. One day someone noticed that we all sticks in our eyes, so he figured we’d finally have our own holiday. Joyous times indeed, where we’d slave away as usual, but every once in a while someone would say “Hey, I’ve got a stick in my eye!”

We laughed until we cried, which was a remarkably short sequence, actually.

82. Dave in Texas - May 21, 2008

A stick? A stick, for your eye? Conspicuous comfort, and abundance, abundance I say. All we had for our eyes was a badger, with long nasty teeth and horrid breath. Aye, we were lucky buggers to have them too.

83. geoff - May 21, 2008

All we had for our eyes was a badger, with long nasty teeth and horrid breath.

You cad! That was the only family I had, until they were wrested from me by eye patch poachers. Except for the leeches, that is – they never left my side. Literally.

84. kevlarchick - May 21, 2008

wtf is going on in this thread? I go away for a few days and come back to the locked wing of the sanitarium.

85. Muslihoon - May 21, 2008

In our day, we had no sanitaria. We rounded up our sick and demented and put them in a mud shack with a straw door. (And eventually, the sick became demented too, as the demented became sick.)

86. Sobek - May 21, 2008

You got leeches? In my day, we didn’t get anything as fancy as leeches. We had to make do with a crude contraption made from vacuum cleaner parts, bits of broken glass, infected hypodermic needles, a few rubber bands and a crude copy of the Hawley-Smoot tarriff scribbled on recycled newspapers. We used to dream of getting real leeches!

87. Dave in Texas - May 21, 2008

In my day I would have lopped off three toes for an infected hypodermic needle! You must have been dizzy to be surrounded with such wealth.

88. Pupster - May 21, 2008

Toes? You had toes? I never even saw a toe until I was able to stump myself to the muck-wallow for the first time to see how the upper-crust lived. Turns out I was right to be ashamed of my naked stumpy footedness. Oh, how those stuck-up muck-wallowers pointed and hooted derision upon me.

89. daveintexas - May 21, 2008

I love this shit

90. Michael - May 21, 2008

wtf is going on in this thread?

I thought about adding this to the Classic IB Comment Threads, and then I almost started crying, because it is a classic IB comment thread.

I had a dream . . .

91. BrewFan - May 21, 2008


92. daveintexas - May 21, 2008

YOU had a muck wallow? OH what I wouldn’t have given to have been able to drag myself to a muck wallow. Upper crusty bastard, that’s what you are.

We had a wallow, fulla cattle bones and the carcasses of the diseased bovines, the ones drooling and crazy eyed. On a GOOD day you could rub some of that maggoty snot on your hammer sammich. Oh yes, that was a good day!

93. Retired Geezer - May 22, 2008

Hammer sammich!

Michael had to play the Clarinet.

That’s all I got to say about that.

94. Cathy - May 22, 2008

wtf is going on in this thread? I go away for a few days and come back to the locked wing of the sanitarium.

So this is where you goobers have been hangin’ while I’m off being busy…I’m with Kev-Baby. wtf!?

95. Sobek - May 22, 2008

“I’m with Kev-Baby. wtf!?”

Back in my day we used to dream of wtf! All we had was lol and l33t, and on really special occasions we’d get a pwnd!!1!

96. Muslihoon - May 22, 2008

In my day, we didn’t have letters or numbers. We had to draw pictures. Try pronouncing that!

97. Dave in Texas - May 22, 2008

Numbers? Inconceivable splendor! We would have given anything for just a few digits. We counted with piles of rocks and bags of vermin, oh the days I spent chasing rats just to pay the rents.

98. skinbad - May 22, 2008

Rocks?! PILES of rocks?!! When I used to squat at the pit latrine with a handful of nettles, I used to imagine the physical decadence of a smooth, cool rock.

99. lauraw - May 22, 2008

Oh, do braaaag on about your glittering, opulent pit latrine and your silky nettles!

We had to use the porta-potty after compos mentis!

100. BrewFan - May 22, 2008

We had to use the porta-potty after compos mentis!

lauraw wins!

101. Mr Minority - May 22, 2008

Oh, do braaaag on about your glittering, opulent pit latrine and your silky nettles!

Why sheeeeeit girl, we never had a lay-trine, we just had to do with shitting on a hot rock and wiping our ass with a prickly pear cactus.

You’se had it good!!

102. Dave in Texas - May 22, 2008

Oh what I wouldn’t have given as a lad to use a porta-potty all covered in shite and filth. My mum insisted we remain in the classroom and learn a thing or two, and if we crapped our carpets she beat us soundly.

103. composmentis - May 22, 2008

You guys are killing me.

104. Mr Minority - May 22, 2008

…she beat us soundly.

Beatings? You got beatings?

Your parents must have loved you dearly, we got 2×4 with rusty railings, and that was if we were good and stompings in the private parts with cactus boots ifin’ we was bad.

105. Sobek - May 22, 2008

You had a mother who beat you? All we had was my dad’s dominatrix girlfriend/hooker who threw scalding, rancid bacon grease on us.

106. Sobek - May 22, 2008

And by “dad” I mean the synthetic, frequently-malfunctioning android that Weyland-Yutani designed to raise us, after the CEO lost a bet.

107. Mr Minority - May 22, 2008

All we had was my dad’s dominatrix girlfriend/hooker who threw scalding, rancid bacon grease on us.

That was called supper in my household!

108. lauraw - May 22, 2008

my dad’s dominatrix girlfriend/hooker who threw scalding, rancid bacon grease on us.

Paging Dr. Freud.
Dr. Freud, please call your office.

109. Dave in Texas - May 22, 2008

A 2×4?

YOU LUC-KY BASTARD!! Oh we never saw building materials in our squalid leaky trailer, you can take that straight to the bank. No if there were beatings to be had or a porch to be built, mum would send us into the forest to gather timber ourselves, using half a spool of recycled dental floss to harvest it all. I never even saw a 2 x 4 until I got off the boat in Rangoon.

110. Mr Minority - May 22, 2008

I never even saw a 2 x 4 until I got off the boat in Rangoon.

Rangoon? You’ve been to Rangoon?

The furthest I’ve been past that rock we used to shit on was the county jail (only because after I escape by gnawing on my chain, the Sheriff caught me living in the sewer under the county courthouse, man! was that luxury living!!)

111. Sobek - May 22, 2008

You got to live in a sewer under a county jail? Sheesh, Mr. Silver Spoon. I had to live inside a running wood-chipper full of extremely pissed-off racoons.

112. daveintexas - May 22, 2008

A wood chipper? Bliss! Sheer, comfy bliss!

We had to gnaw our own wood chips from concrete siding scraps, tearing our five or fewer teeth to nothing! We saved these scrapings to adorn our oatmeal, oatmeal made out of weed scraps and lukewarm water.

113. mesablue - May 22, 2008

You know, the conversation here as at such a much higher level than we have at The Hostages.


114. Mr Minority - May 22, 2008

…we have at The Hostages.

You get to comment at the Hostages?

Damn, all I get to comment is here at the IB!

You must be one of them Obama Elitists, that’s what you are!!

115. Dave in Texas - May 23, 2008

Hey, you guys ever look down at your shirt, and you see a hair sticking out so you just assume it’s a loose hair in the shirt, and you pull on it, but it’s still attached to you?

Anybody? LauraW?

That sucks.

116. composmentis - May 23, 2008

Anybody? LauraW?

That made me laugh.

117. composmentis - May 23, 2008

Hey Geezer, did you happen to see the photo at the top of The Hostages? You gonna take that shit?

118. lauraw - May 23, 2008

That sucks.

Maybe for you. It makes me feel very virile.

119. sandy burger - May 23, 2008

Dave, are you wearing a “wife beater” shirt?

120. kevlarchick - May 23, 2008

No, his wife is wearing a husband beater shirt.

121. sandy burger - May 23, 2008

Note that I didn’t even bother asking lauraw if she was wearing a beater; I just assumed.

122. Dave in Texas - May 23, 2008


There’s another one! Ow.

123. sandy burger - May 23, 2008

Bart, come out of your Bart cave! Dave needs your help.

124. tygerpen - June 18, 2012

Hi Michael,
Thanks for referencing my Newt article in Tygerpen. Some of my most ardent fans (no kidding) are conservative voters. Surprisingly, since I take digs at both sides of the aisle, I do get favorable comments from conservatives and liberals/progressives. (So lighten up!)
Here’s another Tygerpen humor column post you may enjoy and relates to your “Goats with a Buzz.” (5/08)
The problem with devious goats: http://tygerpen.wordpress.com/

125. Avoiding Talking About Primary Results | Innocent Bystanders - March 2, 2016

[…] Ace mentioned Monty Pyton’s The Four Yorkshiremen skit yesterday, which reminded me of one of our similar threads from 2008: […]

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