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Environmentalists want you dead; and the sooner the better. November 26, 2006

Posted by Retired Geezer in Religion, Science, Terrorist Hemorrhoids.

 Environmentalists want you dead; and the sooner the better. Did that get your attention? I certainly hope so. For it is the environmental movement’s objective to radically reduce the human population.

Well, probably not *all* of us. I guess they want to keep Barbara Streisand, Ted Turner, Cameron Diaz and George Soros and the rest of the Beautiful People around.

The Mosquito: Environmentalism’s Weapon of Mass Destruction

Mark Nicodemo has the link. 


1. geoff - November 26, 2006

Environmentalists want you dead

That must be what they mean by “carbon neutral.”

2. Wickedpinto - November 26, 2006


Can we get the environmentalists to kill the muslims?

theres like a billion of them!

Thats a BRILLIANT! gameplan.

3. Mr Minority - November 26, 2006

Environmentalists want you dead

the feeling is mutual.

4. compos mentis - November 27, 2006

Hippies taste like squirrel. Except they’re hairier and have more b.o.

5. Anonymous - June 8, 2007

do u mean u want yoko ono dead? why?? what has she done?

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