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Prayers Requested March 4, 2008

Posted by Michael in Women Ranting.

I just noticed this email I got a couple of hours ago from The Lovely (Pregnant) Janis:

This is Russ’ wife, The Lovely Janis, and instead of reporting on me I have a report on Russ. And Russ– you can’t saying anything about what I write as you gave me free rein here …

You see Russ has been sick the last few weeks and being a man has thwarted my suggestions on going to the doctor . . . until today. He finally felt crappy enough to go and guess what –he’s in the hospital. He has bronchitis but that is not why he is in the hospital. His blood sugar level was 700!!! 200 and below is normal. Let’s just say the symptoms have been there for at least 3-4 weeks and he is very lucky he isn’t in a diabetic coma. The doctor has diagnosed diabetes, but we will see how he responds to treatment at the hospital and how well he can change his diet, activity level and such.

Nonetheless, he is responding well to treatment at the hospital– IV with Insulin. The diabetes educator has been in and the dietitian will stop by tomorrow. And he thought us having a baby was going to be a life change . . . now it’s his diet and activity level too. We will see what they send home with as far as medication—they have already given us a blood sugar monitor (OK we and the insurance will end up paying for it).
I came home to let the Bandit the Wonder Dog out and feed him and our cats – Bob and Hilton before heading back over to the hospital tonight.

Russ did have one comment for everyone: “Sure, my life of dietary excess led me to this point, but still, I BLAME THOSE DAMN SEAHORSES!!!” Laura – I think he has some obsession with those seahorses and movie quotes.

At this moment, The Lovely (Pregnant) Janis is roughly the size of an Iowa barn (I’m basing this on personal observation after her appearance at the Innocent Bystanders Super Bowl Party), with her own pregnancy-related health issues, as previously reported on this site.

Russ being in the hospital has got to be tough on both of them. In fact, it completely sucks.

So — prayers requested.


1. BrewFan - March 4, 2008

Get well Russ! The Lovely Janis is gonna need a hand right quick. You three are in our prayers.

2. PattyAnn - March 4, 2008

“You three are in our prayers.”

Here, too.

3. Cathy - March 4, 2008

Janis. You and Russ will be in my prayers, Lovely-Lady.

I’m so sorry that I’m not closer. Casey-Crimefighter and I would make the trip to give you a hand. I mean it. Please let us know if you need anything.

I hope you aren’t upset about the “Iowa Barn” comment. Michael can be a terrible tease to pregnant wimmins, and caused some to cry. When I was pregnant, he mentioned my needing a forklift and I nearly decked him.

4. Michael - March 4, 2008

That’s true. I have made pregnant women cry. Ask me sometime about this pregnant legal secretary I made cry.

Maybe I’m not the most tactful person on the planet.

Anyway, Lovely Janis, my prayers are also with you, and Russ and the baby.

5. daveintexas - March 4, 2008

aw, dude.

get your ass in shape, right the fuck now.

I mean, get well. We’ll talk. I know these things.

(I’m prayin and all that Lutheran crap too,)

6. TXMarko - March 4, 2008

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9

Our prayers are with you, Russ, and your entire family.

7. cranky - March 4, 2008

Prayers for all of you. May God keep you close to His heart, now and always.

8. Mrs. Peel - March 4, 2008

I’m sorry to hear that, Russ & Janis. I hope Mr. Winterset will be on the road to recovery soon so he can take care of Mrs. and Baby Winterset. I’ll pray for strength and courage.

9. Mrs. Peel - March 4, 2008

By the way, Janis, your name is pronounced like Janice, right? (your spelling, while nonstandard, is much better imo.) A rose by any other name and all that, but I like to be sure I’m saying it right.

10. Muslihoon - March 4, 2008

700? Oh my goodness!

I’m so sorry, Russ. My prayers are with you, with the Lovely Janis, and the baby.

Not to offend, but finding out this way was lucky. Most people find out only when the go into diabetic coma (or really, really, really low blood sugar levels).

Feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk, rant, ask questions, whatever.

Small q: is it type 1 or type 2? I have type 1. Ignore this question if it is none of my business.

11. The Lovely Janis Mother-to-be - March 4, 2008

I am back from the hopital, left Russ watching Death Wish 4 (AMC is running all five of the Death Wish Movies this week) watching Charles Bronson throwing some drug dealer over a balcony.

I was a little premature (Russ would say) in saying it was diabetes as he reminded me the doctor has order a bunch a blood lab work to determine 1) if it is diabetes which kind (Type one or two) or if him being sick for so long caused the spike or is it something else. Nonetheless we do know he will be monitoring is blood sugar levels and watching what he eats. He was not happy when I told him I found all the candy in the house and gave it to the neighbor kids.

Thank from the bottom of our hearts for all your prayers and thoughts of concern. My Dad’s favorite saying is “count your blessings” and having friends out there like you all is a blessing you can count on.

Cathy thanks for calling too!!! It was a needed surprise and put a smile on Russ face (and mine too) Hugs too you!!!!

To answer some Q’s

Yes Mrs. Peel My name is pronounced just like Janice. I was born at the right time for Janis Joplin– but trust me my parents were not fans. My Mom had a friend named Janiece (pronounced Jan – niece) and mom wanted a Jan-isss and went with the spelling I have.

Michael — I take it all in stride — but the thing is I am bigger than I was at the first of Feb — but I am not as big as” an Iowa Barn” YET!! It is getting harder to bend down and to find a comfortable position to sleep!!! And Baby Sunshine is a mover and shaker — keeps reminding me that he/she is there!!!

Bandit the Wonder Dog and our cats are keeping me company. I will post again tomorrow. We are in for more SNOW (its becoming a four letter word around here!!!) tomorrow (it was almost all gone Sunday then we got 4 more inches and expect 1-2 tomorrow!) and our contractor has been working on the house addition too . . . and I am not sure when Russ will be released from the hospital. So I will post we I can with an update!!!

Again thank you all for the kindness.

Tuss, Janis Baby Sunshine, Bandit, Bob and Hilton

12. sandy burger - March 4, 2008

Get well, Russ. Oh, and stay well, Janis and Junior!

13. Michael - March 5, 2008

I just called Russ and we talked about guns. He sounds OK for now.

14. skinbad - March 5, 2008

I prescribe more bacon.

15. skinbad - March 5, 2008

^ That’s supposed to be funny. Get better.

16. Michael - March 5, 2008

Aside from guns, the medical news is: Russ’s blood suger was coming down, they gave him some kind of medication to bring it down slowly, which made it pop up a little, but overall he seems to be getting competent care. He is being closely monitored.

I’m with Skinny on this — he needs bacon.

17. The Lovely Janis Mother-to-be - March 5, 2008

I just thought –Russ doesn’t have an excuse to walk Bandit now — good exercise for both of them – Bandit will love it as our city park is a few blocks away and Bandit loves the city park — can you see it now — Russ and Bandit and me pushing Sunshine in the stoller at the park — sorry cats you’ll have to stay home.

18. Lipstick - March 5, 2008

Oh my, thank goodness Russ went and got checked out. I hope he’s stabilized and out soon.

19. geoff - March 5, 2008

left Russ watching Death Wish 4 (AMC is running all five of the Death Wish Movies this week) watching Charles Bronson throwing some drug dealer over a balcony.

The old near-diabetic-coma-during-Death-Wish-Movie-Week trick, eh? 2nd time I fell for that this week.

Take care, J&R – you guys are leading far too interesting a life.

20. eddiebear - March 5, 2008

Take care man. Catholic Prayers are in force. Add to it my Jesuit upbringing, and you should be in good speed soon enough.

And besides, who else will tell us about birthing cows, rare guns, and caucusing for Zombie Reagan?

21. mesablue - March 5, 2008


Best wishes all the way around.

However, all is not lost. If it is diabetes, I’ve been on a self imposed glycemic index diet for a couple of years (ok, I’ve been slacking a bit lately). It’s basically cut out all sugar and eat things that still taste good and keep your sugar level constant throughout the day. It’s not that hard and you can eat a ton of great stuff. It turns your body into a calorie eating machine and you feel great.

And yes, you can still eat bacon. You just can’t pour syrup all over it or put frosting on it anymore.

22. Raf - March 5, 2008

ooh, get well soon. That sounds really bad.

23. Dave in Texas - March 5, 2008

I’m pretty sure bacon will fix this all up.

24. pajama momma - March 5, 2008

Well bacon is low carb. It won’t spike his blood sugar level up and it’s damn good.

Hope you feel better…………and hey, won’t you give bacon a chance?


25. Muslihoon - March 5, 2008

In Diabetes Forecast I read an article about a guy with Type I and on a pump who was in the military and went to Iraq and served with flying colors. (There were a few issues with supplies, and that story demonstrated the US military’s awesome compassion and comaraderie.) Moral of that story: diabetes can’t stop you if you don’t want it to.

I never use it as an excuse not to do anything; I use it as an excuse to do stuff. Honestly, wihtout diabetes I’d probably be a few hundred pounds more overweight and extremely unhealthy. Diabetes forces me to be healthier (both in activity and eating) than I would have been.

How it is handled depends on so many factors, most especially whether it’s type 1 or 2 (and if the latter, how far it is). Mom has type two and handles it will pills and eating right. Her stepmother had type 2 but because she never took care of it right, it became type 1. IOW, good care goes a long way.

True story: A few years back I went to Pakistan with my father to help him with some business stuff there. We went to the house of one of his friends. My father’s friend’s relatives were there and we were invted to eat dinner with them. At some point, someone mentioned why I was late to the table, and I mentioned I had to inject insulin. I kid you not: everyone at that table except for my father had diabetes. Some type 1, some type 2. We all had a nice conversation on it. And it was sort of specialized: symptoms, what it feels like, coping mechanisms, treatment options, other stuff diabetics know about but others may not. (While my father’s friend, by then quite drunk, giving all sorts of stupid advice on how to manage diabetes.) But it floored me. About 12 people and all but one had diabetes!

26. compos mentis - March 5, 2008

Said a prayer for Russ, Janis, and the little Winterset miracle. While I was at it, I said a prayer for the rest of you IBers as I know you all certainly can use it. It should work. I think I’m in good with the Big Guy. I don’t wait to go to the confessional. I usually say “Sorry” immediately after committing a sin. In a good week I’ll have talked to God thirty or forty times.

Get well Russ.

27. GrumpyUnk - March 5, 2008

The good news is that you are aware of it now. They can treat the current crises and get you down to manageable levels.

You’re going to have a lot of learning to do in the near term, but that’s ok. Being a smart guy, you’ll figure it out. The key is keeping your blood sugars consistently at target levels.

Diabetes is not to big a big deal IF you manage it properly. The list of bad shit from not managing it right is damn near endless and horrible though. Just a note on side effects, for motivational purposes only. (Whispers – Think Viagra) A good motivator for men.

You’ll be getting lots of info and teaching. Learn it & live it. If I can help any email me.

28. Cathy - March 5, 2008

I’ve heard from folks with diabetes they learn the importance of taking care of themselves. They live healthier and feel better because of it.

29. American Diabetes Association - March 5, 2008

But it floored me. About 12 people and all but one had diabetes!

Awesome! We knew that lowering the threshold would bring more money into the organization help more people, but this exceeds our wildest dreams!!!

Imagine, some day you will all live forever, thanks to us. Now, excuse us, while we go hit the government up for more grant money to help fix this epidemic!

30. kevlarchick - March 5, 2008

Russ! Take care of yourself! Janis and that little angel are going to need you, not to mention Bandit.

We are praying for you and your family. You are such good people.

31. ADA - March 5, 2008

huh. a comment from The American Diabetes Association gets spam bucketed on this thread?

32. Michael - March 5, 2008

It sure did.

33. ADA - March 5, 2008

well, as a someone who was diagnosed with diabetes myself a few years back, I can surely understand the desire to protect the ADA form themselves.

34. wiserbud - March 5, 2008

Honestly, my prayers are with the entire “from Winterset” clan at this difficult time. This is truly a life-changing moment and I sincerely hop you have caugt it before you have experienced any long term damage to your eyes or organs.

However, my complaint with the current “epidemic” of diabetics is that anyone who tests over 150 is immediately diagnosed with diabetes, causing all sorts of havoc when trying to get health insurance or life insurance for the rest of your life, when a small change in diet and life-style can actually correct that.

Instead of jumping immediately to this diagnosis in these cases, why not have a sort of staged approach? Whatever happened to hyper- or hypo-glycemia? No, it is immediately “DIABETES!!! {gasp!!} And no matter what you do form that point forward, you are marked. life insurance? HAH!! be prepared to pay out the nose, if you can even get it. Health insurance? HAH! you damn well better have a good job or you will go bankrupt, again, even if you can get coverage.

Meanwhile, the ADA gets to tout their latest statistics about the growing epidemic and rake in the grant money. And if you honestly think there’s ever going to be a cure developed with this organization’s backing, you’re kidding yourself. A cure would destroy an entire industry that has been built up around this horrible, horrible epidemic. We’ll get a cure for the cold first.

Seriously, Russ, I wish you the best and yes, you will need to change your lifestyle to avoid early death and the other terrible things that true diabetes can cause. But I just get really annoyed by the industry that has been built around this disease and the constant pressure by the advocacy groups who’s power increase the more people they can claim as sufferers of this disease.

35. Retired Geezer - March 5, 2008

Russ and the Lovely Janis, you have prayers and best wishes from Pam and I.
Get well soon, buddy. We need you to bring the arsenal to the next IB gathering for Show-and-tell.

36. wiserbud - March 5, 2008

By the way, the threshold is now 110, not 150, according to the ADA. You ever exceed that number, and you are a diabetic

Gee, I wonder if lowering that number might actually have the effect of creating more diabetics?

37. Retired Geezer - March 5, 2008

I just get really annoyed by the industry that has been built around this disease and the constant pressure by the advocacy groups who’s power increase the more people they can claim as sufferers of this disease.

Yeah, what WB said.

38. HayZeus - March 5, 2008

Glad things are looking up and I hope you feel better soon, Russ.

39. eddiebear - March 5, 2008

I agree with you about the stupidity of the diabetes numbers and the “scarlet letter” it produces. My wife had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with our daughter. It went away after the birth, but she still gets hassled by the insurance companies (life and health) over this, because she is till of child bearing age.

In addition to the lowering of the diabetes number, I have always believed the BMI is baloney as well. They are listing Olympic Athletes with 1% body fat as “morbidly obese”. I get the feeling the BMI numbers have been “modified” to scream about obesity epidemics.

40. Cuffy Meigs - March 5, 2008

Get well, Russ.

41. dr4 - March 5, 2008

Heres a theme song for Russ:

42. Dave in Texas - March 5, 2008

Russ, I emailed you with some info (personal, anecdotal) that I hope you find encouraging. Over two years I managed to lose quite a bit of weight (75 pounds) doing mostly South Beach. It lowered my bp and my cholesterol, and my blood sugar. I started it in 04

I figure I’m, what, a million years older than you so alls I’m sayin is if I can do it, I’ll bet you can too.

Best part: all the bacon you want. Although it occurs to me you might be kinda tired of bacon right now.

43. wiserbud - March 5, 2008

I have always believed the BMI is baloney as well.

My target weight is 190. I am 6’2″. Because of the diabetes, I exercise, (less now that I used to, but getting back into it.) I could not keep my weight below 200, with all the weight lifting, etc. I thought I looked great. My doctor, on the other hand, would give me crap every time I saw him about being overweight.

I would stand there and say “Are you insane? Where do you expect me to lose the weight from?”

At 190, I look like a concentration camp survivor. At my current weight (205) and height, I am considered borderline obese.

It’s ridiculous. Talk about a State of Fear!

44. Dave in Texas - March 5, 2008

I know. My doctor is old school too, insists my target weight is 150. I think 170-175 is way more realistic, there is some muscle under there.

He’s also a low-fat low cholesterol knothead. After I had lost 40, he lectured me to avoid ribeyes (too fat!!). I was looking at him like a dog listening to a high-pitched sound. “Dude, I lost 40 pounds eating ribeyes”.

45. compos mentis - March 5, 2008

I just ate a caramel, cream-filled long john.

46. skinbad - March 5, 2008

I just ate a caramel, cream-filled long john.

That’s code, isn’t it? Kind of like Bart enjoying getting “packages” in the “mail?”

47. bmac - March 5, 2008

This was from a commenter Robin, on my blog, on how to calculate BMI, which seems to be geared to up obese numbers:

*SHORTCUT METHOD for Calculating BMI without Calculator
Example: a person who is 5 ft. 5 in. tall weighing 149 lbs.

1. Multiply weight (in pounds) by 703 149 x 703=104747
2. Multiply height (in inches) by height (in inches) 65 x 65=4225
3. Divide the answer in step 1 by the answer in step 2 104747 ÷ 4225=24.8
4. Round Off to Nearest Number BMI=25

Not sure how legit it is, but seems about right.
Good luck Russ.

48. compos mentis - March 5, 2008

Yeah. I shouldn’t have said that with a lisp.

49. bmac - March 5, 2008

Oh, and a BMI equal to or greater than 30 is considered obese, according to Ask.com.

50. wiserbud - March 5, 2008

I just ate a caramel, cream-filled long john.


51. Muslihoon - March 5, 2008

I am not very fond of AMA, by the way. They push things way too far and are too full of themselves.

By biggest beef is “person with diabetes” instead of “diabetic”. I’m a diabetic, goshdarnit. It’s a part of me. Sometimes, a major part of me.

I think there is a very good way of diagnosing diabetes mellitus: as far as I am concerned, anyone with a potentially consistent blood sugar level above 200. If it happens once or twice or due to environmental/circumstantial factors only, it’s not DM.

52. wiserbud - March 5, 2008

If it happens once or twice or due to environmental/circumstantial factors only, it’s not DM.

I agree totally. Try to explain that to a life insurance company , however. One time and your tagged.

53. Bart - March 5, 2008

What’s next week’s topic gonna be, gout?

54. wiserbud - March 5, 2008

Sorry to bore you, Mr. Perfect. Perhhaps we can discuss curling techniques for you?

Oh, right. You’re hairless. Sorry.

55. Pupster - March 5, 2008

I hope you get back on your feet soon Russ, all the Pupsters are pulling for you.

Enas’ dad could use a few prayers as well.

And if you’ve had an outpatient endoscopy done in Las Vegas, you might want to get a few tests run.

I’m sofa king mad at this story.

Reuse of syringes and vials at the facility was a “common practice” undertaken by everyone from doctors to technicians, health officials said.

The business was investigated for other unsafe practices such as not properly cleaning endoscopic equipment used in colonoscopies and upper gastrointestinal procedures.

56. eddiebear - March 5, 2008

I guess some people just have different points of view when it comes to how they feel about others.

57. The Lovely Janis Mother-to-be - March 5, 2008

Hi everyone.

I was at the hospital with Russ most of the morning and left to come home to let Bandit out and take a nap– hospital is less than 5 minutes away and Russ was sleeping.

Russ will be in again overnight . . . They have removed the IV drip and started the “shot” type insulin this morning. The Nurse Educator was in and went through the shots and showed him how to use the blood glucose monitor too that will all become his best friends. Before lunch his BGL (Blood Glucose Level) under 300 and after lunch it went back up again. It’s a wait and see how his body reacts and adjusts with the medicine and diet. He chose Brussels sprouts for lunch because the other choice was worse . . . and then proceeded to tell me that I was to never fix Brussels sprouts!!!

The dietician stopped by to review some materials — I think he is on information overload right now. His voice is coming back and the bronchitis is symptoms are subsiding. That is good.

He has an appointment with the endocrinologist in Des Moines tomorrow — we’ll keep them busy– I go to the same group of Drs. as I have a goiter and have to have my thyroid checked yearly– luckily I have no issues with it — just have it checked regularly. So a trip to DM tomorrow.

So we hope if the level drops to less than 200 and stabilizes with the medication, he’ll be home tomorrow afternoon.

I printed off all your comments for Russ and he sure enjoyed them!!! Our local hospital doesn’t have wireless or would take my laptop out to him — I think he may be having blogging withdrawal symptoms too. We’ll get him back into the swing of things soon.

On top of all this many know we are putting an additional on the house for the baby and us too. The contractors have been here (finally after all the crappy weather we have had) and are making progress — which is great!!! The only issue is getting all the water out of the basement — we had a thaw over the weekend and everything is just saturated!!! The basement floor has not been poured so guess where the melting snow and ice went — nice place to ice skate — It’s covered now and if we can get dried out — basement floor soon to come. Luckily the contractor is local (classmates of Russ’) and very reputable — but very popular and sought after for jobs.

I am holding up well– luckily both of our families are close by — one of my brother’s and his famiy are coming over to take me out for supper to night– and Russ’ Aunt is my back up driver in case I go into labor or something else happens.

Again thanks for all the kind words, suggestions and prayers!!! If you have a question . . . just let me know. I will stop by again after I get back from the hospital tonight.

And for those at the IBSBP — our friends we visited in Washington DC before the party — had a healthy baby boy Tuesday and eveyone is doing fine.

Thanks and Godspeed to all of you.

Russ, Janis, Baby Sunshine, Bandit, Bob and Hilton

58. Dave in Texas - March 5, 2008

He chose Brussels sprouts for lunch because the other choice was worse

Dear God woman, what was the other choice, barf balls in chili sauce?

(thanks for the update dear).

59. Cathy - March 5, 2008

Jeez, Janis. You guys gluttons for punishment? Starting an addition on top of all of this, and the basement flooding? Bet you like roller coasters too.

But you’ll have some great stories to tell when this is behind you.

I love Brussels sprouts, but SOMEBODY won’t let me fix ’em.

60. Jolly Green Giant - March 5, 2008

I love Brussels sprouts, but SOMEBODY won’t let me fix ‘em.

Theyre my children you meatbag!

61. Michael - March 5, 2008

I love Brussels sprouts, but SOMEBODY won’t let me fix ‘em.

Here’s my attitude about Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower: If it smells like somebody is farting uncontrollably while you cook it, why would you want to eat it?

62. dr4 - March 5, 2008

Ive never eaten brussels sprouts broccoli or cauliflower. I dont like vegetables. I fuckin hate squash like God hates sin.

63. The Lovely Janis Mother-to-be - March 6, 2008

Back from the hospital . . . left Russ sleeping — hopefully he will get a good nights rest. Except they will wake him every two hours for blood testing. His levels have not stablized . . . none the less we are oft to the Endocinologist in the morning . . . and depending on that — he may or may not be back home tomorrow night. We shall see.

Cathy — the whole basement did not flood — luckily — just the new part — they have the walls up — but have not poured the floor — so all the melting liquid has decided to come up through the soil around the footings — once we get the dampness out — basement floor will be poured — in the mean time I hope they continue to frame up the rest of the addition!!

And Russ got the delivery — thank you!!!

I am going to sign off for tonight. More tomorrow.

64. compos mentis - March 6, 2008

I would rather eat a handful of sand than brussel sprouts. Man I hate those fuckin’ things.

65. Russ from Winterset - March 6, 2008

You know who helped me choke down those brussel sprouts? That’s right, mofos. Marie Sharps.

(back from the hospital now, and I’ll post a narrative on Ace’s site tonight)

66. geoff - March 6, 2008

Welcome back, Russ.

67. Michael - March 6, 2008

Dang. I wrote a eulogy for Russ that, it now appears, was a waste of time.

I’m telling you, this eulogy was a real tear-jerker. You all would have loved it. IB would have gotten a ton of traffic.

Glad you’re feeling better, Russ.

68. The Lovely Janis Mother-to-be - March 6, 2008

Yes he is back home.

I was releaved this morning when Russ’ Aunt called and offered to take him to the endocrinologist in DM this morning. . . The last few days have been a little more than I probably should have been doning and Russ’ Aunt is just the person who would offer to help out! I slept most of the afternoon — a good rest!!!

They made it to the drs. appointment and he is Type 2 diatetic… They adjusted the amounts of insulin and right now he only has to inject the long lasting kind once a day and has oral meds to take as well. He’ll have to check his Blood glucose levels 2x a day. He will have to go back to adjust the dosages more once we have settled into a new routine on eating, activity and such.

His bronchitis is improving too. And as you can see — he is satisfying his blogging needs already.

I am not making Brussel Sprouts for supper tonight – or probably ever unless I get a craving for them in the next month!!!

Michael — I am glad you did not have to post the eulogy — but I am sure it was classic!!!

Shout out to all of you for the messages, suggestions, thoughts and prayers. Can’t thank you enough!!!

69. Michael - March 6, 2008

I was releaved . . .

Janis, that should have “relieved.”

What’s that? Do you people think I should not correct the spelling of a pregnant mom whose husband is very ill?

Get real.

70. Michael - March 6, 2008

Michael — I am glad you did not have to post the eulogy — but I am sure it was classic!!!

Oh yeah. Here are the opening lines of my Eulogy for Russ:

Russ was basically just an Iowa farm boy. Sure, he was edumacated, but he was still fundamentally a farm boy. And he was a kind-hearted man.

He had basic values. He loved his family and his country. And bacon. He was kind to his dog . . .

71. BrewFan - March 6, 2008


72. Cathy - March 6, 2008

You know who helped me choke down those Brussel sprouts?

Marie Sharp and Betty Bacon. Stir fry and throw in onion, tarragon and balsamic vinegar. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Glad you are home. Bandit’s happy too. I can see that tail wag.

Janis, glad you got some rest, Momma… take care of “Thumper.”

73. Sobek - March 7, 2008

Notice: Marie Sharp’s is not only disgusting, but is extremely bad for you, and could render you impotent. Anyone who needs assistance disposing of their extra Marie Sharp’s should contact me immediately.

74. kevlarchick - March 7, 2008

I love Brussels sprouts too! Garlic butter, a little lemon. Yum!

Russ, rest up and take care of yourself!

75. Dave in Texas - March 7, 2008

I would rather play a round of golf than eat a brussel sprout.

and you people know how I feel about golf.

76. BrewFan - March 7, 2008

Golf; a good walk ruined.

77. eddiebear - March 7, 2008

Brussel sprouts aren’t bad when I incorporate them into a “Bubbles & Squeaks” dish.

And peeled and put into a salad, you don’t even know they are there.

And as for Golf, it blows donkeys. I would rather play tennis with my wife
and daughter or croquet with them.

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