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Ladies, Your Hair Looks OK March 9, 2008

Posted by Michael in News.

Really. Stop worrying. I don’t know why women are so nervous about their hair. Run a comb through it and get on with your life.

And don’t argue with your stylist about this. She did her best. If you’re not happy, go somewhere else next time.

WASHINGTON, Penn. – A hairstylist shot an unhappy client after she complained about her haircut, police said.

Lauren Newton, 28, was getting her hair cut Thursday at the home of Monique Reed when the two began to argue about the style, police said.

“She (Reed) went to the bedroom, got a gun, fired a shot in the ceiling,” Police Chief James Blyth said. Newton, who was trying to flee with her sister, was then shot in the lower back, he said.

Stylist accused of shooting client – Criminal weirdness- msnbc.com


1. Enas Yorl - March 9, 2008

Wow, talk about a “hair” trigger eh? Ba-dump bump!

2. harrison - March 9, 2008

The split-ends justify the means?

3. Lipstick - March 9, 2008

A nasty parting of the ways?

4. harrison - March 9, 2008

They have too much tress in their lives.

5. Mrs. Peel - March 9, 2008

A bad cut, eh? Well, you know what they say: Hair today, gone tomorrow.

6. lauraw - March 9, 2008

We don’t know how bad of a teasing she received, but it’s too bad she couldn’t just brush it off.

7. steve_in_hb - March 9, 2008

As a man who just received a bad haircut, I’m highly disappointed with your objectification and callous disregard for us. You may think it’s funny, but as you type, ask yourself “Would I want my friend with a bad haircut reading this?”

8. harrison - March 9, 2008

“Would I want my friend with a bad haircut reading this?”

Ace said you were bald-headed…

9. Bart - March 9, 2008

No, that’s me you’re thinking of.

And I do have a few hairs on the top of my head.

At least five, maybe six, I think.

10. Cathy - March 9, 2008

A really bad hair day.

11. Michael - March 9, 2008

As a man who just received a bad haircut, I’m highly disappointed with your objectification and callous disregard for us.

Steve, personally I don’t give a rat’s ass about your objectification.

Nor do I care that women in general are objectified. Women are sex objects; that is why God put them on this planet.

All I care about is whether I am being objectified. That’s why I hate Dave. He gets all the attention with his slick Texas goober schtick.

12. Bart - March 9, 2008

I will argue that one cannot be both slick and a goober.

Or are you saying that he’s so slick that his gee-willickers hayseed country bumpkin goober thing is just a…ploy?

13. lauraw - March 9, 2008

I will argue that one cannot be both slick and a goober.

Au contraire, my ginny brother.

Dave is the shiznit. No ploy. Some chicks just dig a goob. Maybe not for marrying, but for pleasure. Draw your own.

14. Michael - March 9, 2008

Or are you saying that he’s so slick that his gee-willickers hayseed country bumpkin goober thing is just a…ploy?

Duh. That guy is slicker than snot on an overcooked slimy asparagus.

15. daveintexas - March 9, 2008

oh shucks.


16. Michael - March 9, 2008


See what I mean?

17. daveintexas - March 9, 2008


18. skinbad - March 11, 2008

I had a VW Golf in my college days. It was missing the little mirror on the flip-down visor on the passenger side. A couple of dates would flip that thing down every time they were in the car and would sigh with disappointment. One time I was sitting in the car eating lunch on my work break and I found a piece of paper and pen and wrote “Your hair and makeup look fine” and stuck it up there where the mirror was supposed to be and forgot about it. A month or two later, I picked up one of those girls and, as I was driving, she flipped the thing down. She started gasping for breath. She laughed so hard I thought she was going to die. It took a long time, but the payoff was worth it.

19. daveintexas - March 11, 2008

“payoff” you say?

20. skinbad - March 11, 2008
21. daveintexas - March 11, 2008

The thong one looks oddly out of place.

Or maybe not. Not sure.

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