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Boatlift September 26, 2011

Posted by Retired Geezer in Heroes.

It was bigger than Dunkirk.


1. Retired Geezer - September 26, 2011

This video was posted 20 days ago but I never saw it until today.

2. OBF - September 27, 2011

Thanks RG. I had never even considered how 1/2 million people got off the island until I saw this clip. It makes me feel good to a part of humanity.

3. lauraw - September 27, 2011

I cannot even tell you, how strong that feeling was, to drop everything and drive like a bat out of Hell to NY to do anything you possibly could to help or serve in some way, and the feeling of absolute frustration and helplessness to know that you probably could not 1) get there or 2) be allowed to help at all, even if you were welcome to enter the city. Which you were not.

These fine people got a chance to DO what their whole body was screaming at them they MUST do. I am not surprised that so many ran like Hell to answer the call when the Coast Guard made that request.

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