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Name Russ’s Baby Contest March 11, 2008

Posted by Michael in Man Laws, Personal Experiences.

I just spoke to Russ (he had actually called and Cathy returned the call) and I explained to him at some length my name suggestions.

If a boy — Martin (after Luther, of course).

If a girl — Michaela (after me).

Russ was noncommittal throughout this conversation.

Maybe we should have a NAME RUSS’S BABY CONTEST.

The winner could get Iowa bacon as a prize (courtesy of Russ).

Here is an excellent music selection too help you think up baby names.




1. Cathy - March 11, 2008

Russ was noncommittal throughout this conversation

Smart move, Russ! Just maybe Janis has some say in the matter.

2. Retired Geezer - March 11, 2008

We just got a new dog and named it after Michael and Dave’s Pistol.


Just sayin’

3. Michael - March 11, 2008

Re #1:

Well, Janis can vote I suppose, but she’s kinda busy right now so we should take care of this issue.

4. eddiebear - March 11, 2008

I have found that allowing the mother a big say in the naming is a smart idea.

5. daveintexas - March 11, 2008

Geezer are you messin with us or is that the shiz?

6. Bart - March 11, 2008

spurwing plover


7. Michael - March 11, 2008

OK, Eddie, I concede that Janis should have a voice in this. But just because she spawned another Iowa urchin does not mean she gets naming rights. She is not a Site Administrator, after all.

8. Michael - March 11, 2008

Geezer are you messin with us or is that the shiz?

No, Geezer is not kidding. He named his new dog Kimber.

9. TXMarko - March 11, 2008

I got nothin’.

Somewhat OT: Naming a child is a special task, yet how could two sane parents agree on naming their children something bizarre like Frank Zappa did to his kids?

10. Casey - March 11, 2008

That dog has 4 legs.

Hmmm, are dogs s’posed to have 3 legs or 4 legs.

11. daveintexas - March 11, 2008

Well that’s an awesome name for a dog.

Russ hasn’t called in a while.. you?

12. geoff - March 11, 2008

Titran Nehook Erwin Terset

13. dr4 - March 11, 2008

If it’s a girl: Rosetta

If it’s a boy: Rosetta

If it’s both: Rosetta

14. dr4 - March 11, 2008

What do you call a dog with no legs?

15. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt - March 11, 2008

Well he cant have mine.

16. Tarzan - March 11, 2008


17. geoff - March 11, 2008

We went around and around on my daughter’s name, finally reaching a compromise. But a couple of months later the name I really wanted popped in my head:


Sheridan was also a strong candidate.

18. geoff - March 11, 2008

We named our son after the city of his conception, which happens to be in Ohio, about an hour west southwest of the Michael’s place.

19. Bart - March 11, 2008


20. Muslihoon - March 11, 2008

Cincinnati? That’s a strange name. (I have no idea what other city there is in OH other than Kirtland. And Michael’s.)

Geoff’s name suggestion: GLAI!

Boy: Shah Jehan Winterset.
Girl: Nur Jehan Winterset.

Nur Jehan (“Light of the World”) was the wife of Mughal Emperor Jehan Gir (“World-conqueror” in Persian).

The son of Emperor Jehan Gir and Empress Nur Jehan was Shah Jehan (“King of the World”). Emperor Shah Jehan built the Taj Mahal (as a masoleum for his wife, Empress Mumtaz Mahal (“Excellent Abode”)).

Okay, he won’t use it. But I want to. My wife, when I was married, nixed the idea because the names were too old-fashioned. Feh.

21. Mrs. Peel - March 11, 2008

Some girls’ names:

hmm…for boys, how about Bolus?

By the way, Tarzan’s son is also named John Clayton. They called him Jack, generally. Tarzan spoke perfect English, perfect French, and also Arabic, German, various African dialects, the language of the apes, and tons of other languages. Just because Johnny Weissmüller pointed and grunted doesn’t mean Tarzan did. I’m very irritated by that misconception.

22. Muslihoon - March 11, 2008

However, as I have no children yet, I may yet have an opportunity for my master plan: flood the earth with children with Mughal names! Mwahahahahahahahaha! Er, first to find a wife.

23. eddiebear - March 11, 2008

The deal The Missus and I had was that if it was a boy, I named it (pending veto of way out of line names), and if it was a girl, she named it.

My choice would have been Ronald Wilson or Frederich Wilhelm.

24. Muslihoon - March 11, 2008

Mahonri Moriancumer

25. pajama momma - March 11, 2008

Shauna. I might be biased however.

26. geoff - March 11, 2008

Tarzan’s son is also named John Clayton.

Coolest name for an Edgar Rice Burroughs male character: Carson Napier

27. daveintexas - March 11, 2008

I have two second printings geoff,… found em in a church book sale in Delaware Water Gap Pa.

28. Mrs. Peel - March 11, 2008

Huh. If he shilled for Viagra, people would have talked about “Napier’s Boners.”

(explanation for non-geeks here)

29. Muslihoon - March 11, 2008

Frederich Wilhelm

I’m sure that would raise some eyebrows in Germany.

On a serious note:
Boy: Joshua, Matthew, George, Michael,
Girl: Elizabeth, Catherine, Helena, Ruth, Naomi, Atarah (“crown” in Hebrew, name in the Bible)

How about Keren-happuch (Job 42:14)? It means “horn of the cosmetic-box”.

30. geoff - March 11, 2008

I have two second printings geoff,… found em in a church book sale in Delaware Water Gap Pa.


31. Muslihoon - March 11, 2008


Sophia, Pistis, Pistis Sophia.

32. Lipstick - March 11, 2008

My girl children are named Emily and Sophie, and the boys are Boris and Benny.

Benny is sleeping in the litter box now.

33. Lipstick - March 11, 2008

I like David for a boy’s name.

34. Muslihoon - March 11, 2008

Avalokiteshvara (boy)
Amaterasu-o-o-mikami (girl)

Sam (boy)
Sam (girl)

35. mesablue - March 11, 2008

Bandit II

36. Michael - March 11, 2008

If it’s a girl: Rosetta

If it’s a boy: Rosetta

If it’s both: Rosetta

That really cracked me up! That was sort of the ultimate inside-joke Hostages comment.

37. geoff - March 11, 2008


Then he could say: “Look on my works, R&J, and despair!”

38. Michael - March 11, 2008

We named our son after the city of his conception, which happens to be in Ohio, about an hour west southwest of the Michael’s place.

Dayton? Huh?

That’s just sick. Nobody has sex in Ohio.

39. Bart - March 11, 2008

So it’s a boy.

Go all english with: Alistair Figg-Newton d’Winterset III

40. daveintexas - March 11, 2008

>> I like David for a boy’s name.

Oh well, yeah. Who wouldn’t?

41. Michael - March 11, 2008

>>Oh well, yeah. Who wouldn’t?

I hate Dave in Texas.

42. sandy burger - March 11, 2008

I hate Dave in Texas.

Yeah, me too. But “Dave in Winterset” would be a fine name.

43. Lipstick - March 11, 2008

Well, I wasn’t really thinking of OUR Dave, though I like him.

44. skinbad - March 11, 2008

Mrs. Skinny says Angus or T-Bone (fine names for the son of a meat scientist and meat consumer).

I say Horny Cyclone. Or maybe R.J.

45. skinbad - March 11, 2008

And congratulations. I forget my social graces, until someone elbows me in the ribs. Go to bed Mrs. Skinny!

46. Michael - March 11, 2008

Well, I wasn’t really thinking of OUR Dave, though I like him.

You like him?

You are a dirty little slut.

47. XBradTC - March 12, 2008

He could have my name- Dammit Boy! At least, that’s what Dad always yelled when he wanted me to come running…

48. Bart - March 12, 2008



49. Lipstick - March 12, 2008

You are a dirty little slut.

That’s just what Mr. Lipstick said to me this afternoon.


50. kevlarchick - March 12, 2008

Let’s name the kid Waffle.

ooh, I think I like Lipstick better than ever!

51. Sobek - March 12, 2008

Colt Remington Winterset.

52. Sobek - March 12, 2008

“Go all english with: Alistair Figg-Newton d’Winterset III”

Nigel Pilkingsworth Tottington-Bimples Smythe III.

53. LeAnn - March 12, 2008

#29 – Musilhoon…

“Frederich Wilhelm”

My Great Grandpa’s name! First botanist evah in the US of A.

…….back into lurking mode

54. Bart - March 12, 2008

Nigel Pilkingsworth Tottington-Bimples Smythe III.

We’re trying to be serious, here, sobek.

No way is Russ gonna name his kid Nigel.

55. Bart - March 12, 2008


Gaylord Perry


56. Sobek - March 12, 2008

Bart, you’ve now closed this thread twice. Does that mean you’ve opened the thread?

57. Bart - March 12, 2008

Have you ever watched the episode of The Office where the guy “shuns” his coworker?

When he speaks to him, he un-shuns him, speaks, and re-shuns him.
It’s kinda funny.

58. A Boy named Sue - March 12, 2008

Bill or George! Anything but Sue! I still hate that name.

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