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MSM Notices That People Are Voting With Their Dollars September 25, 2009

Posted by Michael in Politics.

Liberals are keeping their wallets closed.

WASHINGTON – Democratic political committees have seen a decline in their fundraising fortunes this year, a result of complacency among their rank-and-file donors and a de facto boycott by many of their wealthiest givers, who have been put off by the party’s harsh rhetoric about big business.

The trend is a marked reversal from recent history, in which Democrats have erased the GOP’s long-standing fundraising advantage. In the first six months of 2009, Democratic campaign committees’ receipts have dropped compared with the same period two years earlier.

via Democrats jarred by drop in fundraising.

Meanwhile, the GOP is doing great.

WASHINGTON — Despite being in the minority in Congress, Republican campaign committees outraised Democrats by $1.7 million in August as they have aggressively collected political cash amid the rancorous debate over health care.

Republicans also held an edge over Democrats in the amount of money available, when counting debts, as both parties set the stage for the 2010 elections, in which more than three dozen competitive House and Senate seats are at stake.  The GOP spike is a departure. In each of the past four years, the party in power — whether Democrat or Republican — raised more than the minority’s fundraising committees in August, a USA TODAY review of campaign records shows.

via GOP gets big bump in donors.

This has got to throw a scare into Dems who have to run for reelection next year.  They are going to have to think about distancing themselves from Obama.  It’s one thing to see Obama go down in the polls.  Even worse is contemplating that your opponent will have a financial advantage as the result of an energized base.


1. d3ft punk - September 25, 2009

That, and all those misleading truths being thrown around.

Before getting too excited, remember that non–Presidential years tend to not get nearly as much action as Presidential years.

2. Michael - September 25, 2009

remember that non–Presidential years tend to not get nearly as much action as Presidential years.

True, but that’s going to work in our favor in 2010. The Obamamaniacs will be lethargic at the same time that the Tea Partiers are still hopping mad and scared.

3. HeartlessLibertarian - September 25, 2009

It’s become a heck of a country when the congressional representatives of the party have to continually try and distance themselves from the leader of the party in order to stay in office. We’ve seen this with Bush, and now with Obama.

4. Eddie The Bear - September 25, 2009

Yeah, just like in 2006, where disaffected Conservatives/Republicans essentially sat out with their wallets, volunteering, and voting.

But, one thing has me thinking:
I read somewhere (sorry, no links handy) that Rahm Emmanuel is forcing the following two choices upon many Blue Dogs and vulnerable Dems:
a) if you don’t go along with us, we’ll put up our own guy in a Primary, and cut off all money for you. Or,
b) If you vote with us, and (more than likely)lose, we will help hook you up with a cushy lobbying job.
So, they seem bound and determined to push policies that are electoral suicide instead of doing what is necessary to survive in office.

5. skinbad - September 25, 2009

2008 elections was political Cash for Clunkers. Obama’s grassroots support shot their wad and got their shiny, new model: the Turbo Hopeychangemobile. Some of those supporters are now checking the fine print in the warranty.

6. xbradtc - September 26, 2009

a) if you don’t go along with us, we’ll put up our own guy in a Primary, and cut off all money for you.

Rham’s gonna get one bite at that apple. Don’t forget the real money for Congressional races comes from the DCCC, and Rham doesn’t control that. Congressmen control that, and they are not about to start funding internecine warfare.

And they’ll have a hard enough time recruiting people for the primaries, much less getting them to win in the general.

7. xbradtc - September 26, 2009

It’s Rahm, isn’t it? Dammit. I hate when I do that.

8. Eddie The Bear - September 26, 2009

Brad: True, but Rahm knows where all the bodies are buried, and do you really think that if he came up to the people at the DCCC or DSCC (whatever they are called) and told them what they would like to see happen, he wouldn’t get his way?

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