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Coronavirus Spread Video February 2, 2020

Posted by Retired Geezer in COVID-19, Godzilla, Politics.
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If America is First, Who is Second? January 24, 2017

Posted by skinbad in History, News, Politics.
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The Dutch make their case. They’re not really considered Scandis, so I suppose it is possible.

Obama’s Legacy: Hitting the Links January 17, 2017

Posted by geoff in News, Obama's Legacy, Politics.
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President Obama played more golf than any president for the past 55 years!

During his eight years in the White House Mr Obama played a total of 306 rounds of golf, a commitment to the game his opponents called excessive and frequently used to attack his work ethic.

Mr Obama’s passion for golf contrasted with that of his predecessor, George W. Bush, who played just 24 times in office. Mr Bush gave up entirely in 2003 because he felt images of him playing seemed insensitive while US soldiers were fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That’s 10 months of golf he played during his 96 months in office.

Actually below average for golfers, but few of them are leaders of the free world.

Well, I guess President Obama wasn’t either.

Anyone Collecting “Why Trump Won” Examples? November 14, 2016

Posted by skinbad in History, Politics, Stupid shit.
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I wonder how many volumes it would run. University of Virginia PROFESSORS (not students, well, not just students) want the president of the college to not quote TJeff in emails. You can imagine why.

Stuff Jefferson Said

Where’s the expert on Stuff Jefferson Said when you need him? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.



What They Used to Teach in Schools July 10, 2016

Posted by Retired Geezer in Crime, Politics.
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Back 100 years ago.

Read it and weep:


Pin the Tail on the Donkey July 3, 2015

Posted by Retired Geezer in Crime, Politics.
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Yep, Bill Whittle.

This is Fascinating June 27, 2015

Posted by daveintexas in Ballistics, Crime, Economics, Handblogging, History, Literature, Man Laws, Mufuckin Pie!, Nature Shit, Philosophy, Politics, Sex, Sitemeter, slutbags, Stupid shit, Technology, Terrorist Hemorrhoids, WTF?.
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And a little unnerving. A real time map of global cyber attacks.

Idaho Interview July 12, 2013

Posted by Retired Geezer in Heroes, Politics.
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Submitted Without Comment February 3, 2013

Posted by Sobek in History, Politics.
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Submitted without comment:

For Lincoln, the Democrats of his day claimed to be the party of the common man, but in reality, they were led by a wealthy – and especially southern plantation – elite, who did everything they could to discourage ordinary people from rising, and therefore threatening, their own status.  And what made these plantation aristocrats successful was their ability to play the poor off against the middle class, in order to distract attention away from their own control of events.  Joseph Gillespie, who was a long-time Whig political ally of Lincoln’s, recalled that while Lincoln detested aristocracy in all its forms, nothing incensed him more than the claims of his Democratic opponents that the Whigs were the party of the rich.  In 1840, when Lincoln was stumping southern Illinois on behalf of the Whig presidential candidate, William Henry Harrison, he found himself put up against a Democrat, Colonel Dick Taylor.  And Colonel Taylor proceeded to rail against the Whigs as “aristocrats.”  Lincoln replied, cheerfully, that the shoe really belonged on the other foot.  “Whilst Colonel Taylor had his stores over the county,” Lincoln said, “and was riding in a fine carriage, wore his kid gloves, and had a gold-headed cane, he (Lincoln) was a poor boy hired on a flatboat at eight dollars a month, and had only one pair of britches.  If you call this aristocracy,” Lincoln said, “I plead guilty to the charge.”


Lincoln believed that ambition was the thing which distinguished the American republic from all other monarchies which then ruled the earth.  Because in America, even the humblest person with talent or determination can, with ambition, climb a ladder of their own to prosperity and happiness.  “We stand at once, the admiration of the world,” Lincoln claimed in 1856, “and we must enquire what it is that has given us so much prosperity.  And we shall understand that to give up that one thing would be to give up all future prosperity.  That cause is, that every man can make himself.”  This meant, though, that Lincoln required a free economy, with sufficient openness of movement to enable poor boys like himself to escape the drudgery of poverty and achieve what he called “progress and improvement of condition.”  That would never come, in Lincoln’s judgment, if the United States remained tied to the Democratic dream of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.  The Democrats, as Lincoln believed, were bitterly critical of open markets and this was because they saw danger – not opportunity – in a market economy.  Because in a market economy while some rise, some fall, and those who already have it made are not necessarily very welcoming of others who rise to join them, and certainly can be very anxious at the prospect that they might fall.  Lincoln, however, reveled in the opportunities of the market.  He reveled in the credit created by banks, in the wages paid to free laborers who found wealth in selling their labor, rather than in cultivating the ground.

From “Mr. Lincoln: The Life of Abraham Lincoln,” Allen C. Guelzo (The Teaching Company: Chantilly, VA), disc 2, tracks 8 and 11.

Dead-Horse-Kicking November 8, 2012

Posted by skinbad in Politics.
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I’ve been reading about how Obama’s vaunted ground game kicked the hell out Romney. My beef with this (which I haven’t really seen discussed) is, isn’t it a heck of a lot easier (more bang for the buck) to have a “ground game” in a densely populated urban area than in the suburbs–let alone rural areas? Setting up a voter registration tent or getting a bus to an apartment building to take everyone to vote early doesn’t really compare to what would be needed in a farming community. I guess what I’m saying is the GOP can’t just try to replicate the ACORN type activities and be successful, a different kind of ground game that is harder and relies more on personal responsibility would be needed. Funny how that works.

The French Revolution, Penthouse, African-American Firsts, and Mormons November 6, 2012

Posted by skinbad in History, Politics.
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I’ve been reading tea leaves and entrails (and let me tell you, I’m not going back to Denny’s any time soon ) and I realized today I’ve seen this act before. Join me in the Way Back Machine for a trip to 1984.

There was a different campaign of Hope, Change, and Nipple Covers in the air and Vanessa Williams proved to the world once and for all that American horndogs appreciate beautiful women no matter their chromatic hue as she became the first African-American woman to win the Miss America pageant.


My election day experience November 6, 2012

Posted by digitalbrownshirt in History, News, Personal Experiences, Politics.
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After working 10 hours last night, I headed for the polls. I arrived around 6:30 am, 30 minutes before the polls open in Oklahoma. Despite my early arrival there were at least a half dozen people in front of me. We stood there in sub-40 degree temperatures waiting for the doors to open. As we stood there a poll worker came and asked us if we would let a handicapped man go to the head of the line and wait inside. The poor guy could barely walk with his cane. He was wearing a suit and hat. With every step he let out a little moan. I felt terrible for him. The worse part was that when we finally got inside to vote it turned out that his polling place had been changed and he had to go to the other poll to vote.

The other notable event was when a lady wasn’t able to cast her vote because her ID didn’t match the name she gave to the poll workers. I’m not sure if she was trying to commit fraud or if she just had a nickname on her ID instead of the actual birth name that is usually used for registration. She said she had some ID at home that would work and she’d come back later. I’m happy that we finally switched to using ID’s this year for elections.

By the time I left around 7:15, the line went out the door and out to the street. It had to be at least 100 people lined up outside the building waiting to get inside. The parking lot was so full that cars were starting to park in the dirt lot next door.

God bless America.