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Bears Climb Trees! October 25, 2013

Posted by Retired Geezer in Economics, Gardening.

A guy is hunting in a tree stand, in Canada.

You should probably watch all the way to the end.

NSFW ‘Holy S***’ whispering.



1. Retired Geezer - October 25, 2013

I couldn’t believe how fast that bear climbed the tree.

2. skinbad - October 25, 2013

“Tree stand inspector. OK, you’re paperwork seems to be in order.”

3. Retired Geezer - October 25, 2013

“Tree stand inspector. What is that brown slippery substance on the platform?”

4. obf - October 27, 2013

Answers the question about “…does a bear crap in the woods?” Maybe not but I do believe the guy in cammo now has pants that can be used as desert cammo.

5. razorbacker - October 28, 2013

A cousin runs a duck-hunting business after the rice is harvested on his southern Arkansas farm. He decided to shoot a promo video to send to potential clients.

He’s in a tree stand, shooting duck footage, when a sow bear and two cubs wander along. One of the cubs starts climbing the tree that holds the tree stand. The other cub sees the first and starts climbing, too. The mother bear doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about her cubs interacting with whatever is up that tree.

The footage gets real shaky towards the end. My cousin explains, “It’s damned hard to climb a tree with one hand while shooting video with the other. I think that it looks pretty damned good, if I do have to say so myself.”

6. Pupster - October 28, 2013
7. lauraw - October 28, 2013

If I were there, that ‘SHUF SHUF SHUF’ sound of the bear ascending the tree would have been quickly followed by my heart exploding and my pants filling at the same time.

Hate, hatey-hate hate, large predators.

8. daveintexas - October 28, 2013

I don’t have to outrun the bear.

I just have to outrun you.. well shit.

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