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Institutional Insanity July 25, 2007

Posted by BrewFan in Crime.

As of now it would appear that this bill has little chance to see the light of day but this is scary nonetheless. The fact that it made it out of our state senate is particularly scary. The economic devastation that would be wrought on the citizens of Wisconsin is so obvious its hard to imagine anybody could be for this. But there are many who think this is a good idea. When I retire I’m headed for a red state.


1. Sobek - July 25, 2007

I think that plan sounds great, Brew. The way I see it, the legislature will screw up the economy so bad that everyone who can afford a bus ticket will get out of the state to avoid the inevitable soviet-style labor camps for tax debtors. The massive, rapid depopulation will depress housing prices below true market value. All I have to do is wait until the current legislators are lynched by angry mobs and replaced with reasonable people, then buy as much land as I can find, and wait for the market to return to normal levels. I’ll sell and make a bundle.

Oh, but I guess a bunch of people will probably have their lives destroyed in the process, so maybe there’s a down side that I haven’t seen yet.

2. Michael - July 25, 2007

The Lutheran Millennium™ will solve problems like this.

3. BrewFan - July 25, 2007

Stuff like this really isn’t suprising here in Wisconsin. We used to be the welfare mecca of the United States. Tommy Thompson finally solved that problem (not only for Wisconsin, I might add; Go Tommy ’08). IIRC, Milwaukee is the only major city to ever elect a mayor who belonged to the Socialist Party.

4. Michael - July 25, 2007

See, we’re not actually planning to have *health care* in the reeducation camps for people like Calvinists, because hard physical labor with carefully rationed calories and proteins is actually a very healthy lifestyle.

5. Wickedpinto - July 25, 2007

yeah, THAT will get you respect!

As though everyone doesn’t already know your shame.



Hi good Lady Michael, sorry for mocking your husband, it was convenient, and I think kinda funny.

6. compos mentis - July 25, 2007

I recommend we change the border and give Wisconsin to Canada, minus Milwaukee (and Lodi).

7. Michael - July 25, 2007

What makes you think Canada would take them?

8. eddiebear - July 26, 2007

I live in STL, where dead people vote early and often, but Milwaukee vote fraud and U of W-Madison Campus seem to be what keeps that state blue. WI has been the most frustrating state the last few elections; it is tantalizingly in our grasp, yet slips away every time.

9. eddiebear - July 26, 2007

Also, didn’t the Dem governor veto a bunch of anti vote fraud bills a few years ago?

10. Bart - July 26, 2007

Brewster, I’m looking for the post where I made the prediction of how many wins the Brewers would get last season.

Did you delete it? 😦



Did you?

11. Retired Geezer - July 26, 2007

I sent the link to Clayton Cramer and he linked back, apparently he liked Sobek’s comment.

12. BrewFan - July 26, 2007


I believe you made your ‘prediction’ at AoSHQ. Deleting comments is not how I roll 🙂

13. Dave in Texas - July 26, 2007

$3 billion more than the state currently collects in all income, sales and corporate income taxes.


On a personal note, it’s raining again, and the Rangers still suck.

The Astros suck too, but I did notice that on the day Craig Biggio, a great American, decided to announce his retirement at the end of the season, he decided to smack a grand slam in the game that night.

14. BrewFan - July 26, 2007

The Club for Growth has a website called Hide Your Wallet dedicated to helping fight back against what would be the largest state tax increase in U.S. history.

15. Cuffy Meigs - July 26, 2007
16. Dave in Texas - July 26, 2007

that story is creepy.

17. Sobek - July 26, 2007

Clayton Cramer said: “Or perhaps they’ll just prohibit businesses and employees from leaving the state.”

That’s a novel idea. Maybe if they could, I dunno, build some kind of wall to keep people in…?

18. BrewFan - July 26, 2007

Cats are evil

19. Cuffy Meigs - July 26, 2007

And Checkpoints, Sobek.

I think Peanuts names would be cute: Lucy, Snoopy, that bald kid…

20. lauraw - July 26, 2007

The local community is in a state of fury about the family that was murdered in nearby Cheshire, CT. Everybody knows the good doctor.


He was a valuable member of society, but also just a regular, all around good person. His was generous with his time and patients loved him, and you can’t say that about a lot of physicians. One of my customers had me in tears this morning, telling me about how kind Dr. Petit had been to him, when he lost his house and had nothing and really needed help.

His daughters were brilliant and eridite as well as beautiful.

Everybody here is willing to kill those two monsters for what they did. This better be a capital case.

I’ve been a mess over this the last few days, especially as more of the details become known.

As I get older and care about more people, I can’t deal with the news like I used to. And this is just so close to home.

The worst bit, out of so many disgusting details: the younger of the two felons is well known to the citizens of Cheshire as a crackhead and a prolific thief and stalker. One of the last times he was picked up, he was wearing nightvision goggles and trying to slice through the wall of a girl’s bedroom who he had been following.

21. lauraw - July 26, 2007

erudite. Sorry, I’m having trouble seeing the screen or functioning.

22. Cuffy Meigs - July 26, 2007

I read about that horrific CT murder yesterday and wondered if it was in lauraw’s neck of the woods. Does CT have the death penalty? If not, Ol’ Sparky down here in AL is available.

23. kevlarchick - July 26, 2007

lauraw, that story makes my blood boil and my heart hurt.

I’d sleep better, and I know YOU would, knowing these animals were dispensed with swiftly, painfully, and publicly.

24. lauraw - July 26, 2007

Yeah, we have a death penalty but it is rarely used. I think Michael Ross was the last guy to get terminated.

If it does become a capital case- and it infuriates everybody I talk to that there’s even a question- I dare the anti-death penalty advocates to come protest in front of the Petit’s relatives, friends, and patients who have been attending court these last few days.

A memorial for the family will be held at Central Connecticut State University.

25. PattyAnn - July 26, 2007

I’m sorry it’s hit so close to your home Laura.

26. wiserbud - July 26, 2007

lauraw, I have been following that story as well, as I live not more than 3 miles from Dr. Petit’s home. Too close for comfort.

I didn’t know him, but the stories I’m hearing about him are incredible.

Sadly, I think that, by the time these animals go to trial, the disgust and anger will have dissipated and we will end up with another situation where these scum either get some prison time, then released, or they will become a cause celebre for the usual idiots.

27. lauraw - July 26, 2007

No way in Hell, wiserbud. No way in Hell.

28. lauraw - July 26, 2007

Released? Dude, I can’t believe you even wrote that.

Are you high?

29. lauraw - July 26, 2007

Sorry, not only are these guys unlikely to see sunlight again (in which case they can expect to be perforated right outside of the prison walls), I’d bet that they’ll be regarded as trophy kills in prison.

It ain’t gonna dissipate.

30. wiserbud - July 26, 2007

okay, paroled.

31. daveintexas - July 26, 2007

But if we, as a society, simply kill the killers, we lower ourselves. We must rise above

Nope. We must destroy these dangerous animals. Put them down.


32. wiserbud - July 26, 2007

No way in Hell, wiserbud. No way in Hell.

Hey, I’m not saying I don’t want to agree with you, but I’ve just seen it happen with too many other cases in this state. People have done many evil things in this state and have had their hands slapped.

Death penalty? in CT?? Well, if they do get the death penalty, we can expect to be supporting these pieces of slime for the next 20 years or so of appeals, unless they overturn the death penalty in that time and these bastards get their sentences commuted.

33. lauraw - July 26, 2007

I want to go to the memorial, but I know the word ‘forgiveness’ is going to be present, and I don’t think I can live in the same room with that word right now.

34. wiserbud - July 26, 2007

Reading the link you provided almost makes me angrier than the actual crime itself.

To the Courant, this is nothing but another “teachable” moment. And they wondered why I canceled my subscription.

35. daveintexas - July 26, 2007

but I know the word ‘forgiveness’ is going to be present, and I don’t think I can live in the same room with that word right now.

If I were there and I heard that word, I would be looking at the person who uttered it like a dog listening to a high pitched whine, my head cocked, look of confusion and disbelief.

I might even utter “what in the fuck is wrong with you”?

36. wiserbud - July 26, 2007

sorry, not the Courant, but still an absolutely disgusting display of the media elite’s snobbery and superiority. “Why, we must be above such things as anger and vengeance, otherwise we are no better than the accused. [sniff]”

Screw that shit. I am better than they are, and therefore I can pass judgment on them and determine whether or not they are fit to continue breathing.

Sadly, I just don’t think they will ever face that final moment in this state, unless, as lauraw says, it is either prison justice or some other form. The state will not put these animals down, thanks to our sensitive and oh-so-superior leftist leaders.

Gee, I wonder what Colin will say about this?

37. lauraw - July 26, 2007

He won’t say anything. He fucking better not, unless he wants the phone lines to melt down and to receive a kick in the ass from management.

38. daveintexas - July 26, 2007

I note the commenters don’t share the writer’s view. They’re more in the “rabid dogs” camp. Good.

Goddam.. 17 and 11.

I can’t speak and I can’t see.

39. geoff - July 26, 2007

Mugshots of the perps here.

40. geoff - July 26, 2007

Photo of the family here.

41. geoff - July 26, 2007

A photo of the family is here.

42. geoff - July 26, 2007

Tried to link a photo of the family in happier times, but I think the spam filter got me.

43. cranky - July 26, 2007

These murderers deserve no mercy, no consideration, and no comfort. Justice should be swift, complete, and final..One response to the paper’s editorial that I completely agree with.

Posted – 7/26/2007 11:19:03 AM
They should be castrated, have their tongues removed and be thrown into the general prison population at Folsom for six months. They should then be publicly hanged in the median strip of the Merritt Parkway and their boides left for the crows.

Let these two scum be a lesson to everyone who would see their rotting corpses.

44. Dave in Texas - July 26, 2007

I looked at the photos.

Now I have to go close the door.

45. lauraw - July 26, 2007

Colin mentioned it. He brought it up so he could say, ‘Lots of other people get killed in bad ways, too, you know. This was pretty bad, and grabbed a lot of attention, but similar stuff happens all the time.’

What a fucking douche.

46. Dave in Texas - July 26, 2007

Colin is a local fucking douche?

47. lauraw - July 26, 2007

Yeah, local commie radio personality/ Hartford Courant columnist. The only reason his show is still on the air is because it comes on right after Rush Limbaugh.

48. geoff - July 26, 2007

These stories make me so paranoid. I already don’t let my 11 year old walk more than a block away by himself. At that age I was biking all over the neighborhood, getting into all sorts of mischief a half mile away from home. I want to give him way more leash, but these sorts of stories make it impossible for me to let go.

49. daveintexas - July 26, 2007

Dude, you are living my fears.

I rode bikes 10 miles and more away from my home.

Those days are gone.

Oh, and Colin can suck my balls.

50. Retired Geezer - July 26, 2007

geoff and dave, me too.

What’s happened to this place?

51. lauraw - July 27, 2007

Me too, guys. Even when we lived in Hartford, but especially when we moved to the burbs.

Are there more bad guys out on parole than there used to be?

52. Mrs. Peel - July 27, 2007

I grew up in a neighborhood with 25 known child sex offenders within a mile of my house. So not being allowed to go anywhere alone seems perfectly normal to me.

53. Dave in Texas - July 27, 2007

Of course it does ya punk. You are part of the “ain’t takin my eyes off of my kid” generation. I’m talking about 1975

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