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The One Guest Everybody Hoped and Prayed Could Make It January 31, 2008

Posted by daveintexas in Crime, Ducks, Literature.

Arrived safely today with Dave.





1. Michael - January 31, 2008

Dang, I thought you meant Mrs. Geezer, who just walked in the door. I was totally amazed that you posted this right when she arrived, like you’re frickin’ watching the house or something.

Oh, RG is here too.

2. daveintexas - January 31, 2008

What makes you think I’m not watching the house?

3. sandy burger - January 31, 2008

Have fun, internet weirdos!

4. pattyann4 - January 31, 2008

Hahaha! I’m so envious! I know y’all are going to have a wonderful time.

5. mesablue - January 31, 2008


6. Michael - January 31, 2008

RG really is relentlessly cheerful. I just lectured him for 45 minutes on the Lutheran Millennium™, and failed to annoy him. He just smiles at me. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to smack him upside the head.

7. Sobek - January 31, 2008

The whole IBSBP is an elaborate ruse to indoctrinate people into Lutheranism! IT’S A TRAP!!!

8. harrison - January 31, 2008

I wanna be there!

9. geoff - January 31, 2008

Me too!

10. harrison - January 31, 2008

Next time, dangit!

11. Michael - January 31, 2008

This is awful. We were having a nice steak dinner, talking about family and such, and then Geezer and Mrs. Geezer heard a song they like on the sound system. They both immediately jumped up and started dancing the Funky Chicken. Neither of them is particularly good at dancing the Funky Chicken.

I’m not sure I am going to survive this weekend.

12. cranky - January 31, 2008

Alright Dave, where did you get the leather?

13. daveintexas - January 31, 2008


Accept no substitute.

14. Lipstick - January 31, 2008

Please keep up with the play by play so we all can pretend we’re there!

15. Michael - January 31, 2008

OK, Lipstick.

I should mention that Mrs. Geezer is hot, even when she is doing an inept Funky Chicken.

16. Lipstick - January 31, 2008

In her photos she exudes teh sexy!

17. Michael - January 31, 2008

BTW (and this is actually true), the Geezers brought us a very nice piece of art glass, made by Mrs. Geezer, that has IB on it. I was touched.

Mrs. Geezer is a serious professional when it comes to art glass.

18. Sobek - January 31, 2008

If we don’t have video of the Geezers doing the funky chicken on YouTube by noon tomorrow, the terrorists have won.

19. Michael - January 31, 2008

Another actual fact — RG refers to Mrs. Geezer as “PJ”.

At first I thought he was saying “BJ” and that was distracting.

20. geoff - February 1, 2008

BTW (and this is actually true), the Geezers brought us a very nice piece of art glass, made by Mrs. Geezer, that has IB on it.


21. pattyann4 - February 1, 2008

Mrs. Geezer’s work is just beautiful.

22. mesablue - February 1, 2008

I will be there with a gift in the form of a Wickedpinto.

He was able to work out whatever it is that a single guy like he needs to do and I’m picking him up at the train station in Ann Arbor and heading South to the IBSBP.

23. pattyann4 - February 1, 2008

Safe travels, mesa. I talked to WP last night and he’s so excited about the IBSBP. He said he’s taking a camera and there will be pictures.

24. daveintexas - February 1, 2008


25. Rev. Paul T. McCain - February 1, 2008

Did somebody mention Lutheranism???

Here’s a great book that explains Lutheranism.


26. compos mentis - February 1, 2008

Hope you guys have a blast! And Dave, know when to say when. No pissing in the potted plants and barfing in the linen closet. This is supposed to be an annual thing. How well/poorly the first annual determines if there will be subsequent annuals.

27. lauraw - February 1, 2008

I will be there with a gift in the form of a Wickedpinto.

Punch some air holes in the carton.

Or not. Your choice.

28. Sobek - February 1, 2008

As a matter of fact, someone did mention Lutheranism.

More specifically, someone alluded to the Lutherans’ plans to put all us non-Lutherans in re-education/torture camps during the millenium. It’s that kind of religious bigotry that makes us all hate Lutherans. A lot!

Especially Lutherans in Ohio.

29. compos mentis - February 1, 2008

If all this Lutheran talk becomes too much, I suggest going ahead and drinking the Koolaid, but AFTER eating the casserole. Might as well go out making as big a freakin’ mess as possible.

30. Mr Minority - February 1, 2008

I suggest going ahead and drinking the Koolaid, but AFTER eating the casserole. Might as well go out making as big a freakin’ mess as possible.

I like the way you think!

31. compos mentis - February 1, 2008

Thanks Mr. M. Usually it’s just …….sex…….food…….sex…….beer…….sex…….sleepy…….sex…….pudding…….sex…….sex in pudding…….and beer…….

rinse and repeat.

32. Sobek - February 1, 2008

KC, that’s implied in “pudding.”

33. Mr Minority - February 1, 2008


That or one of those “beers” is the shower.

34. compos mentis - February 1, 2008

Why? It ain’t the second Satruday of the month already is it?

35. Mr Minority - February 1, 2008


No, lucky for you that’s next week.

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