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Favorite Headline of the Day March 27, 2008

Posted by skinbad in Law, Lurkers, Travel, Women Ranting.

TSA Forces Woman to Remove Nipple Rings

I guess it’s time for me to move to Canada as well. George Bush’s assault on my pleasant daydreams civil liberties has finally reached a personal level.

The Transportation Security Administration does not have a specific policy addressing nipple rings or any other jewelry, said TSA spokesman Dwayne Baird. Baird said he did not know of the incident Allred mentioned in her statement.

“I’d be really curious to know what this woman had in her nipples,” Baird said.

You and me both, brother. You and me both.


1. eddiebear - March 27, 2008

First they came for the nipple rings, and nobody cared.

2. Pupster - March 27, 2008

If this story doesn’t bring Wicked Pinto back on-line, teh internets is dead to me.

3. Pupster - March 27, 2008

“The woman was given a pair of pliers in order to remove the rings in her nipples,”


4. skinbad - March 27, 2008

I hope they had the decency to give her some of those straight pretzels to use as placeholders.

5. BrewFan - March 27, 2008

Is there a bigger publicity hound out there, anywhere, then Gloria Allred? I think not.

6. kevlarchick - March 27, 2008

You’ve heard of Visible Panty Lines? Well…

7. Amishs just got some new fillings...and he wants to return the favor - March 27, 2008

Well i know i feel safer.

8. daveintexas - March 27, 2008

You’ve heard of Visible Panty Lines? Well…

I am intrigued by your ideas and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

9. bluewaveted - March 27, 2008

Sounds painful. Bush- what a spoilsport.

10. compos mentis - March 28, 2008

“Our security officers are well-trained to screen individuals with body piercings in sensitive areas with dignity and respect while ensuring a high level of security,” the agency said in a statement.

“I’m sorry sir, but you’ll have to remove that chain from your nose that leads down into your pants and connect to your penisOMYGOD!WHATDIDYOUDOTOYOURSELFYOUSICKFUCK?!?!?!

11. Craig Torey - April 12, 2008

The nipple rings could have been used to disguise something hidden in her breasts, or bra. By removing the rings, they were able to determine nothing else remained.

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