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Guns of the Khyber Pass January 28, 2009

Posted by Michael in Economics, History, Man Laws, News, Politics, Terrorist Hemorrhoids.

This is fascinating —  a close-up look at the largest illegal arms market in the world in the tribal area of Pakistan.

Thanks to Retired Geezer.


1. Sobek - January 28, 2009

That was extremely interesting. Thanks for that.

2. composmentis - January 28, 2009

I’ve always thought those German pistols look like ugly squirt guns.

How in hell did that country get nuclear weapons? *off to Google*

3. harrison - January 28, 2009

How in hell did that country get nuclear weapons?


4. Russ from Winterset - January 28, 2009

Why is it that the only freaking people who get access to these places are those who don’t know squat about guns?

So the tribal people of Pakistan & Afghanistan are invincible because the Khyber Pass gun markets make 1,000 guns per day? Isn’t that somewhat tempered by the fact that every day 500 of the guns made there either terminally fail or blow the **** up? And the ones that don’t fail have such wide tolerances between parts that they couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn from further away than 200 meters? And that ammo, assembled by preschoolers: what’s the misfire rate of those cartridges?

A Luger is a “Nazi gun”? A cheap copy of a Norinco Tokarev variant is a “Mauser”? A guy holding a muzzleloader has to ask “Where do the bullets go in?” All that’s missing is the rape jokes and the bad Kazakstani accent, and you’ve got an episode of “Borat”.

Although, it WOULD be kind of cool to visit a shop that makes Martini Henry reproductions.

5. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

Russ: the children can either make bullets or Nikes. Take your pick

6. Rosetta - January 28, 2009

That was very interesting. I’ll post it tomorrow at Hostages so people can see it.

Happy Birthday, Michael.

7. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

Russ: I still loved your post over at Ace’s on the “WWI Era Guns” meme used by the media during the Mumbai attacks. For some reason, I am reminded of that post watching this video.

8. Russ from Winterset - January 28, 2009

eddie, a job working at a Nike sweatshop 18 hours a day without bathroom breaks would be a freakin $120k a year no-show cushy government job in Chicago compared to assembling cartridges at the Gun Bazaar.

I almost forgot: Narratordouche calling the artillery luger reproductions “pure concentrated evil” is just PRECIOUS! Yeah, Einstein, it’s THOSE PARTICULAR GUNS that make Pakistanis into such Joooooo-hating ‘tards.

Jesus, do I have to change my nick to WickedRuss and start breakin’ some bitches here?

9. Russ from Winterset - January 28, 2009

I’m at the office right now, so I don’t have time to watch the video again, but isn’t the first “rifle” he picks up in the shop where they show the graphic of how much it costs actually a SHOTGUN? It sure looks like a pump action 12 gauge to me, but since I ain’t a journalist, I guess I don’t know squat about these things.

10. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

Just remember:
it’s never the terrorists’ fault.
blame the Jooooosss

11. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

Yeah, that thing looks like a “street sweeper” type of shotgun.

12. skinbad - January 28, 2009

Economic development: Overcoming the mentality of “Many sons and Lots of Guns.”

A dissertation looking for an author.

13. Cathy - January 28, 2009

Economic development: Overcoming the mentality of “Many sons and Lots of Guns.” A dissertation looking for an author.

Sorry… author too busy making guns and ammo… don’t bother him.

14. Russ from Winterset - January 28, 2009

cleanup on aisle 15? That sure as hell doesn’t sound like something Dan Collins would say.

methinks that “she who must not be named” is having a little sick fun with us.

15. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

SWSNBN is in heap big legal trouble again. Just google her name and the word timeline. You’ll see.

16. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

All kidding aside, Russ:
a comment in one of the sites monitoring her is saying that she is going around trying to collect identity information on people.

17. eddiebear - January 28, 2009


18. eddiebear - January 28, 2009

We have us a troll

19. Michael - January 28, 2009

Yup, with multiple IP addresses.

It looks like the real Dan Collins has been here a couple of times, but not more recently than last March. Why the troll would show up here is beyond me.

20. mesablue - January 28, 2009

Teh Crazee is following names that it knows.

Must want another visit from the police.

21. Russ from Winterset - January 28, 2009

You know what’s really sad about this?

If someone spent HALF as much time working on their chosen field of expertise as they do channeling “Teh Crazee”, they’d be a freakin’ rockstar in their field.

Instead, they’re just another “there but for the grace of God go I” cautionary tale.

22. Jeff G - January 28, 2009

Do me a favor and just delete those comments. Several years later and this routinely incarcerated whackjob is still obsessing. Don’t give her the forum; leave her in the wilderness where she belongs.

23. composmentis - January 28, 2009

It’s Michael’s birthday already? Didn’t you just have one, like, a year ago?

24. Robert - January 28, 2009

I wonder if they are supplying Hamas with this:

25. Sobek - January 28, 2009

“Do me a favor and just delete those comments.”

Do us a favor and show us that dancing armadillo already. Oh, you haven’t gotten around to it yet? I see how it works.

26. Michael - January 28, 2009

“Do me a favor and just delete those comments”


27. skinbad - January 28, 2009

Don’t ever let Tony Stark get captured by these people.

28. Dan Collins - January 28, 2009

Thanks, guys. The funniest thing about it? She chose the days when I haven’t even had my computer.

Decision science.

29. What is this nations fascination with fire arms? - Page 6 - Offtopicz - December 16, 2009

[…] […]

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