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A Veteran Laid to Rest January 28, 2019

Posted by daveintexas in Honor, News.

They could not find his family members. So the Central Texas Veteran’s Cemetery asked that members of the community attend his service this morning.


They hoped he would not be buried alone. He wasn’t. Hundreds of people gathered to pay their respects to a man they did not know. Overwhelming support and honor.

Killeen is very much a military town. There are lots of retired veterans here. I expected people would show up this morning. I did not expect the hundreds that I saw. When I crested the hill on 195 this is what I saw. I have no idea how long the line was behind me but I saw something today that was fine and good.







1. geoff - January 29, 2019

That’s incredible and inspiring. Thanks for going, Dave.

2. Cathy - January 29, 2019

Our world has lots of good peeps.

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