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Online Games Replace Monsters With Sex – by Michael April 9, 2006

Posted by Michael in AA - Uncategorized.

I guess we can say goodbye to Ace.


By Peter Svensson

Updated: 10:19 a.m. ET April 7, 2006

NEW YORK – Online games have so far mainly revolved around the killing of fantasy monsters. The occasional fight with a Stormtrooper provides some variety.

Companies are now developing a handful of games — though calling them that is a stretch — designed to give players a very different option: making love, not war.


This is not just porn – we’re talking about interactive multi-player gaming. 

Call me a prude, but this really strikes me as unhealthy.  I mean, it’s one thing to flirt with Lipstick in a comment thread.  Quite another to engage in simulated sex with an on-screen caricature of someone who you know absolutely nothing about.  Creeps will be coming out of the woodwork in droves to sign up for this. 

Yep, get your kicks right here: 

Read about it


1. alessandra - April 9, 2006

This is not just porn – we’re talking about interactive multi-player gaming.

Call me a prude, but this really strikes me as unhealthy.
I just got into a big fight over at RWS’s, with one garbage of a human being who posts there (although there are more), about exactly this problem.

summary of my comments:

Three words: liberal (sexual) culture.

A culture that makes people have base, denigrating attitudes regarding sex and personal relationships, and call it “liberation and freedom.” If you are in a more privileged position, it just amounts to unpleasant interactions, if you are less privileged, then it gets harassful or violent.

Our culture is changing, for the worse, it was not like this a couple of decades ago. Pornography and the media in general (which is more and more pornographied) are having a huge impact on people’s minds, and consequently, their behavior.

And on the internet, there are almost no external social controls, so the more sexual garbage a person has inside them, the quicker it comes out.

And you didn’t check out the testimony of the abused boy regarding the older homos going for him online? (foxnews- o’reilly) You have scruples, lots of adults simply don’t. Even if when they come on your blog, they act nice. What do you know about what they do in private?


It’s the problem of a society that says nobody ought to think about the private sphere, hands-off.

2. alessandra - April 9, 2006

oh, and what you just said here “Call me a prude, but this really strikes me as unhealthy” is really at the heart of how a really shoddy (and vicious) liberal culture manipulates men (and more and more women) into endorsing a lot of sexual deviance and violence. All of this in order to fool themselves as being (falsely) sexually hip or, in the case of men, as macho/masculine. Otherwise they get tarred and feathered as “prudes,” “afraid of sex,” “wimpy,” “not masculine enough,” etc etc. At the same time, the liberal crap all clothe themselves as “liberated,” “full of ‘masculine’ status playboys (and pimps),” and “sexually avant-garde.”

The result is that at the core of this culture, decency, trust, intimacy, and responsibility are getting more and more distant from sexuality (and, consequently, from the fundamental basis for a personal relationship).

3. michael - April 9, 2006

Note that the name of the bar in the screenshot is "Vicious."

I tell ya, I could go to Pakistan tomorrow, drop by any mosque, and preach a diatribe about the decadence of Western culture compared to the verities of Islam.

And I'm a Lutheran.

Speaking of decadence:

I try not to be an old fart. Really I do. Back in the day, I always went to church in a suit, because that's how I was taught to honor the Sabbath. Now the vast majority of American church-goers have gone business casual, and so have I. I can deal with that. This morning I noticed that virtually every man in the church with a suit on had white hair, or was an usher.

The kids wear jeans (my own included). OK, I can deal with that too. For them, that's just dressing normally. But increasingly, I'm noticing teenagers and young adults heading for the communion rail in flip flops!!!

Criminy. C'mon kids, is it asking to much to expect real frickin' shoes in the sanctuary?

*Michael does deep breathing exercise*

Like I said, I'm really trying not to be an old fart.

4. Dave in Texas - April 9, 2006

You know it’s funny, except for your willingness to rant about it like you do, I agree with almost every point you make allesandra.

I understand Romans chapter 1. It isn’t a new thing you know.

Oh, and goodness sakes, I hope you’re talking about andy and not me with that argument/garbage thing.

5. michael - April 9, 2006


I read that whole thread at Sparkle’s, by the way, along with the blowback at World Wide Rant and Alessandra’s. You and I are pretty much on the same wavelength, as near as I can tell.

6. Innocent Bystanders Comment Quality Control Department - April 9, 2006

Let’s get this straight:

Alessandra’s name has only one “l”!!!

7. Dave in Texas - April 9, 2006

Yeah, I know Michael, I got that from your comment over at RWS’ place. Burning coals.

I just can’t make myself pile on my enemies with slurs about their dead friends.

Probably a weakness of mine. I’m sure Paul told us to do that somewhere.

8. kevlarchick - April 9, 2006

Michael, I’m with ya on the church thing. I make my daughter (and me) wear a dress or skirt to church. And NO SKIN. I see bellies, piercings, it’s incredibly irreverent and just trashy.

Reverence and respect are learned. I guess I was brought up funny, but I don’t want to see disrespect anywhere near the altar.

And alessandra, technology always wins, which is very sobering in this case.

9. alessandra - April 9, 2006

Dave: Oh, and goodness sakes, I hope you’re talking about andy and not me with that argument/garbage thing.
Dave, I had a fight with andy, who is a garbage of a human being.

As far as I could understand your posts, you’re are not in favor of sexually torturing human beings like andy is, you also don’t sound like a fanatical pro-homosexual, but I don’t know enough of your views. As you said, you don’t endorse a lot of attitudes that are responsible for horrible trends of more and more violence and denigration in society. It’s not that there was no violence before, it’s that it’s growing, it’s become legitimate, it’s being normalized.

Even though you don’t approve of all this violence, you sound like you don’t care to listen to any criticism of all that is wrong. This is where we clash.

10. alessandra - April 9, 2006

6. Innocent Bystanders Comment Quality Control Department – April 9, 2006
Let’s get this straight:

Alessandra’s name has only one “l”!!!

LOL did you see that?

just like Peel and a ton of other people, my guess is because of the word “all” or maybe the name “allie” that is embbed in people’s minds

11. harrison - April 9, 2006

I guess this means I’ll have to scratch the big “Sunday Night pRon Link Dump” post I had ready to go.

Don’t worry. I’ll think of something else.

12. michael - April 9, 2006

Yo harrison:

Maybe you should email those links to me, just so I can confirm that they are unacceptable.

"I know it when I see it."

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

13. harrison - April 9, 2006

Sorry, dude.
I’ve already moved on.


14. michael - April 9, 2006

my guess is because of the word “all” or maybe the name “allie” that is embbed in people’s minds

See, I don’t have that problem, because Alessandra Mussolini is embedded in my mind.

15. Dave in Texas - April 9, 2006


Where we clash is if you are a Christian, your behavior and comments are judgemental. So you and me are fightin over the Word. Cause that’s not our prerogative, even if they’re heavily financed.

If you’re not, then distance yourself from us. Because you’re kind of hate is harmful to the Kingdom.

16. michael - April 9, 2006

Oh geez, let's not start this argument again.

Here is what I posted at Sparkle's site, and Andy's — words that I hope any Christian can take to heart:

(Rom 12:17-21 NIV) Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. {18} If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. {19} Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. {20} On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." {21} Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

17. blogidaho - April 9, 2006

Please don’t think I’m pointing this at ANYBODY, cause I don’t even Know what you guys are talking about.

My personal experience with jerks has been “Kill ’em with Kindness”.
It just takes the wind out of their sails.

Works for me, but I’m old.

18. blogidaho - April 9, 2006

Back in the 60’s when I first started in Showbiz, everybody dressed up to come to see a show in Las Vegas. Dean Martin, Frank, Sammy, Englebert, Tom Jones…
When I retired, people in the audience were wearing t-shirts and flip flops.

(Just like at Michael’s church).

19. daveintexas - April 9, 2006


not you’re.

I hate it when I do that.

20. Lipstick - April 10, 2006

“I guess I was brought up funny, but I don’t want to see disrespect anywhere near the altar.”

No, Kevlarchick, you were not brought up funny.

You were brought up right.

21. Dave in Texas - April 10, 2006

hey bigfoot.

congrats on the nuptuals and all.

I’ll be back next year and the three of us can go shoot commie guns, k?

22. Lipstick - April 10, 2006

Sounds excellent Dave!

Thanks to you and everybody for the good wishes. You guys are great.

23. alessandra - April 11, 2006

15. Dave in Texas – April 9, 2006

Where we clash is if you are a Christian, your behavior and comments are judgemental. So you and me are fightin over the Word. Cause that’s not our prerogative, even if they’re heavily financed.

If you’re not, then distance yourself from us. Because you’re kind of hate is harmful to the Kingdom.
Dave, I find your characterisation of what I say as “hate” just vile, it’s an ad hominen attack.

I’m not interested in getting into a fight with you, for all your rants and attacks on what I am expressing. Your rants cowardly and misguided, and not at all Christian. People who shove their heads in the sand and do nothing about evil desecrate God’s creation in every way. That’s not what Christiniaty is about.

I also really despise people who use Christianity (or any religion) to make excuses for themselves. It is a total desecration of the fundamental goodness of any religion. Lots of “religious” people love to use their religion to make excuses for being irresponsible, not caring, for going along with and consequently promoting evil, for not holding accountable people who practice violence and destruction in the world, not to mention when they are not the perpetrators themselves.

The only thing that is needed for evil to flourish in the world is for good people to do nothing. At the end of the day, this is what you will have to show for yourself.

24. jayne - April 11, 2006

I have no idea what all the fighting is about, but I,too, really enjoy Roman 12. Verses one and two are my favorites, though. As far as church goes, I still make sure that my 4 children are properly attired. We have a more casual dress code on Wednesday night, but Sundays we wear our “Sunday Best”

25. kevlarchick - April 11, 2006

alessandra, your snotty sanctimony has gotten on my last nerve. Get over your damn piousness and back off, sister.

You spout your lofty quotes that you read somewhere else and try to lump Dave and the rest of us heathens/cretins/heretics into your generalizations and ad populum arguments. How do you know Dave is doing nothing? How do you know I’m doing nothing? You’re an idiot. I was going to say fucking idiot, but I know you don’t *like* that word.

Until you come up with the Master Plan to Fight All Evil, leave us alone to deal with it in our own imperfect ways. Sheesh!

26. Dave in Texas - April 11, 2006

my my, that judgement thing again.

You know for someone who says she doesn’t want to argue with me, you sure seem to have trouble stopping.

Just an observation toots.

27. Shewmal - September 5, 2009


28. games to play online for free - October 20, 2009

What a super blog!! Keep up the good work..

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