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Mormons Give Obama Lowest Ratings August 28, 2010

Posted by skinbad in Politics, Religion.

This should be worth an extra cup of pudding during the Lutheran Millenium™.


1. Cathy - August 27, 2010

Skinny. As far as I’m concerned, you and your people get banana slices and vanilla wafers in your puddin’

Thanks mushys !

2. MCPO Airdale - August 27, 2010

Fine, but BHO isn’t up for re-election. How many LDS members vote for Harry Reid??

3. wiserbud - August 27, 2010

I’ve heard the Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t all that thrilled with him either.

Of course, it’s against their religion to actually vote, so, honestly, who cares what they think?

4. skinbad - August 27, 2010

I don’t know a lot about Nevada politics. He wouldn’t be elected in Utah. This guy thinks LDS higher-ups might be supporting him. I don’t know how they would support him without saying they support him–which they can’t do. He says 5% of Nevadans are Mormons. I doubt he would get more than half of that vote. Therefore, I’m willing to accept 2.5% of the blame for Harry Reid on behalf of my fellow believers.

5. Russ from Winterset - August 27, 2010

24% of Mormons think that Obama is doing a good job. 50% of Catholics think that Obama is doing a good job. What does that tell me? Either Catholics aren’t paying attention to current events, or Mormons are actually living closer to the tenets of Christianity than all the other “traditional” Christian denominations.

Damn, I can’t wait to share this theory with all my Baptist/Evangelical friends who voted for Mike “Mormons think Jesus & Satan were brothers” Huckabee. One question: should I wear a full body hazmat suit to protect my clothing from the goo from all those exploding heads, or should I just wear old clothes & throw ’em out when I’m done?

6. wiserbud - August 27, 2010

Therefore, I’m willing to accept 2.5% of the blame for Harry Reid on behalf of my fellow believers.

STRING (2.5% of) HIM UP!!

7. Russ from Winterset - August 27, 2010

What we need to know is if Mormons give Obama a 24% approval rating, what is Obama’s approval rating among Mormans?

8. skinbad - August 27, 2010

PLEASE! Not that 2.5%!!

9. Pupster - August 28, 2010

Long time no comment Skinbad, glad to see you again.


Huh. Wonder who that could be?

10. Cathy - August 28, 2010

Haven’t seen much of you either, Pupst.

Hi Sweetie!

*smiles* waves* winkis* shows some leg*

11. Barb the Evil Genius - August 28, 2010

Russ, where did you get the 50% of Catholics number? It’s really sad that so many Catholics still would support him, just on his abortion record alone. Maybe these are the “social justice” Catholics who want women priests, etc.

12. Pupster - August 28, 2010



*falls down*

How YOU doin’?

13. Michael - August 28, 2010

It’s really sad that so many Catholics still would support him . . .

Obama is good at trying to make people feel guilty. Catholics like that.

14. Tushar - August 28, 2010

Question for gun law experts: Can a person without a CCW carry a handgun in a bag e.g. shoulder bag, purse or backpack? What is the definition of ‘carrying on your person’?

A few weeks back, a professor of Indian ethnicity, out for a stroll with his wife and two young sons, was beaten to death for no apparent reason by three youth whose background information (race etc.) the local media skillfully concealed. My wife is very worried, and wants a gun.

It is impossible to get a CCW in NJ if you are not current or past LEO.

What are the options for me and wife? I have to go to NY every day, so carrying in any form is ruled out for me. We are willing to consider everything from pepper sprays to Gatling guns.

15. Barb the Evil Genius - August 28, 2010

Obama is good at trying to make people feel guilty. Catholics like that.

True dat.

16. Pupster - August 28, 2010

This is a good site Tushar:


Home page where you can look up your state:


17. Pupster - August 28, 2010

Basically you can’t carry a gun unless it’s in a locked container unloaded, and ammo has to be in a different locked container in NJ.

No open carry at all, and stun guns are illegal too.

I guess The Soprano’s did not really accurately reflect the facts on the ground.

18. Tushar - August 28, 2010

So pretty much a pepper spray then. Fucking liberal nanny state.

19. Michael - August 28, 2010

What is the definition of ‘carrying on your person’?

In most states, that means the gun and ammo are readily accessible.

What are the options for me and wife?

Illegal carry.

You gotta consider, are you willing to risk a firearms infraction to save your life?

This assumes you (or your wife) are willing and able to pull a gun and use it. You don’t brandish a gun. You use it to kill.

20. Tushar - August 28, 2010

>>This assumes you (or your wife) are willing and able to pull a gun and use it.

It is difficult for a person who has never pulled a trigger on someone to say with confidence that he will be able to do so, but I think we both will be able to do it. If my kids are in danger, my wife would not hesitate to kill.

21. sandy burger - August 29, 2010

You gotta consider, are you willing to risk a firearms infraction to save your life?

You also gotta consider, a firearms infraction is one thing for a citizen, but it’s quite another thing for somebody still hoping to obtain citizenship (or a greencard).

Tushar, I’m sorry to hear about that incident. I hope you can find ways to make your wife feel safe, or at least safer, which don’t run afoul of the laws, even if the laws are stupid.

22. Tushar - August 29, 2010


yes, I am aware of all the implications. In the short term, I am thinking of getting her some pepper spray for now. In the long run, we will move to Utah!

23. Pupster - August 29, 2010


24. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Barb, that 50% figure comes from the article that Skinny linked. The article also tells us that Obama’s rating among Protestants is 43%, and his Mulsim approval is about 87%.

25. Retired Geezer - August 29, 2010

We are willing to consider everything from pepper sprays to Gatling guns.

Can you get some Hornet/Wasp spray?

It’s almost as good as Pepper Spray.

Until the EPA bans it.

26. Pupster - August 29, 2010

Wasp spray?


27. Tushar - August 29, 2010


Ha ha! I will use it on attackers of all races, Pupster.

28. Retired Geezer - August 29, 2010

lol Pups, I forgot the ‘other’ meaning of WASP.

29. Cathy - August 29, 2010

It is difficult for a person who has never pulled a trigger on someone to say with confidence that he will be able to do so, but I think we both will be able to do it. If my kids are in danger, my wife would not hesitate to kill.

If you do end up going through with this I highly recommend you practice and handle them a lot. Must fess first time with the Kimber had me a tad rattled… and that’s no way for me to go into defending my life against hostile and competent opponents, just sayin’ Experience and practice helped move from me jitters to competence. As Michael has said, the objective is to kill those who plan to hurt/kill their victims… a lot more difficult to execute than simply wishing someone to not bother ya. I truly hope I never have to aim mine at anyone, but I know now I will if I have to.

*WASP* Hahahahah! * Good one!

30. kevlarchick - August 29, 2010

I have pepper spray in my purse always. And when I walk the dog.

I’ve shot plenty of guns, but not often enough to feel really confident. I still get skittish.

Pups recommended the 9mm for me after being my handler, but I prefer a revolver.

31. Cathy - August 29, 2010

We’ve got some awesome handlers in the IB group. Thanks bunches, gents. Love you guys.

I didn’t work with Pupst, or Russ, but would welcome their calm nature and advice anytime.

Retired Geezer was my handler. I love him, and will be grateful for what he taught me for my remaining days. Mrs. Geezer is deadly, btw!

*faces north-west* waves * smiles*

Hi Geezer! Love you and Mrs. Geezer bunches.

*blows 2 kisses* beauty queen wave*

32. Pupster - August 29, 2010

after being my handler

*gets misty, far away look in eyes*

You shot the 9 really well KC…it had a lighter trigger pull than some of the revolvers on hand. After a few rounds you stopped flinching and started putting them on center mass.

This is Mrs. Pupster’s go to nightstand piece:


I would recommend it to anyone who wants a simple and effective personal defense weapon.

33. kevlarchick - August 29, 2010

Nice pups. I like that big rubber grip. The snubbys I’ve shot all had wooden handles which are very slippery in my hands.

I was FLINCHING? I prefer to think of it as Preparing for Recoil. But I know it’s a no-no.

34. Cathy - August 29, 2010

Can relate to the flinching.

Yoga classes got me thinking that, like in Yoga, movement requiring muscle and accuracy are best executed during an exhale, when muscles are more relaxed and nourished with fresh oxygen.

Tried it,gently squeezing the trigger during an exhale. Might help the flinching thing, just sayin’

35. Cathy - August 29, 2010

Daughter Michael is shopping…

Got her eye on this, I think.

36. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Too many snubbies are made to be used “up close”, and their Lilliputian wooden grips don’t help you keep shots on target at ranges longer than the length of your average Louisville Slugger. Mrs. Pupster’s gat looks like it can actually hit things at the range.

And as far as flinching goes, I’m probably as guilty as anyone of anticipating recoil. I didn’t grow up shooting handguns and never really got any professional instruction, so my cobbled-together style still incorporates a bit of the “flinch”. I’ve gotten to the point where I can deal with it if I’m shooting a .22 or something else with moderate recoil. My .45 and .357 don’t get shot much, but when they do it’s usually at shorter range (or with .38 Special loads in the .357) to simulate defensive ranges.

One thing that all the “experts” always talk about is to focus on the front sight & let the target & the rear sight come into alignment before you pull the trigger. I find that if I’m shooting a rapid string of shots, I will be focused on the target. As the shots hit the paper, I make minute adjustments to get my bullets to the center of mass. Sort of like using the path of tracers to get a machine gun hitting right on the target. Of course, the downside is that unless you’re firing a belt-fed pistol or a Calico 9mm, by the time you’re on the target you’ve got to stop to reload.

37. Michael - August 29, 2010

Daughter Michael is shopping…

On my nickel. I told her that she should have a gun, and I would buy it.

38. Michael - August 29, 2010

I figure, flinching when you pull the trigger is not really such a big issue when your target is less than ten feet away. Especially with a big load, like a .45 round. A couple of .45 fragmentation rounds to the thoracic cavity is designed to make an attacker stop and think, while you take a deep breath and work on a head shot with a FMJ that will easily deal with the skull.

If you are going to kill somebody, they probably should be less than ten feet away.

That makes the subsequent forensic examination by the police work out in your favor.

39. Pupster - August 29, 2010

I really liked Skinbad’s Springfield XD, if I was buying again I’d get one in .40.


Mrs. Pupster is deadly accurate with the detective special at about 20 ft, it fits her hand really well and she’s comfortable shooting it, which is the most important thing.

40. Michael - August 29, 2010

My comment above, by the way, is not anything I came up with. The standard for small-arms combat at close quarters is the Mozambique Drill, developed by the British Army as a reliable way to stop a determined attack by a possibly drugged fanatic. Two shots to the thoracic cavity to cause massive trauma and get the stop, then you go for the head shot to take out the central nervous system.

41. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

I realized that I name-dropped a brand of pistola in my last comment that many of you won’t recognize.


It’s pretty much useless, except as a “bullet hose” that can spray out 50 rounds before it runs out of ammo or jams. But hitting things? Not really what this sort of gun is all about. And forget about trying to carry this one concealed, unless your name is Andre the Giant.

42. Michael - August 29, 2010

So, I figure, if I am trying to kill someone, I’m going to shoot three times.

If that doesn’t work, forget the extra rounds in my chamber. I’m going to run like the wind.

43. Michael - August 29, 2010

It’s pretty much useless . . .

From what I’ve read, 9 mm is kinda like carrying a BB gun or pepper spray. It’s not a reliable stopper. It’s a fashion statement for gang-bangers.

44. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Remember Michael, the standard issue .45 acp is good for seven shots and a whack, so if the first seven don’t stop them, flip the gun around in your hand, grasp it by the barrel, and give the perp a solid WHACK with the butt end right between the eyes.

Of course, with a .45 acp, if you hit with 3 shots out of 7, then even Steven Hawking could finish off the perp in hand-to-hand combat.

45. MCPO Airdale - August 29, 2010

The .45 Colt was adopted by the U.S. Army to stop mad Moro guerrillas in mid-charge. Little has changed.

46. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Nothing wrong with a well placed 9mm slug. Obviously, a 45ACP FMJ will impart more kinetic energy to the target than a 9mm FMJ, but since you can only kill the attacker once, any extra is overkill.

47. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Funny how IB can turn a thread about Mormons and their electoral preferences into a “9mm vs. 45ACP” thread. If Wicked were here, we could even talk about the effectiveness of longbows in close quarters combat.

48. Michael - August 29, 2010

Of course, with a .45 acp, if you hit with 3 shots out of 7, then even Steven Hawking could finish off the perp in hand-to-hand combat.

Actually, with a .45 ACP, you could miss with all seven shots and still come out on top. The noise and the muzzle flash are pretty awesome at close quarters, and would likely immobilize your opponent long enough for you to deliver a harsh pistol-whipping.

49. Michael - August 29, 2010

The downside is — after you kill someone with a .45, your ears will ring for a week.

50. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Actually, the ear ringing from the 45ACP is pretty inconsequential compared to what you get from the 357 magnum, especially from a concealable snubby. And with the slower burning powders used in the 357 mag, the muzzle flash is probably big enough to light a smoke with. I do know that firing it after dark will blow the HELL out of your night vision.

51. kevlarchick - August 29, 2010

Cathy, one of my handlers taught me about the exhale. You’re right, it works like a charm. But it takes practice.

And once he suggested a split stance with the right leg slightly ahead of the left so I could lean into the shot, it made all the difference in accuracy.

52. Lipstick - August 29, 2010

One thing that all the “experts” always talk about is to focus on the front sight & let the target & the rear sight come into alignment before you pull the trigger.

Interesting Russ. That’s just what I was doing last weekend, focusing on the front sight, not because I knew what I was doing though. It was a happy accident and I out shot 2 former military guys. (brag, brag)

53. Michael - August 29, 2010

but since you can only kill the attacker once, any extra is overkill.

See, I figure it like this. Once you start squeezing the trigger, there really is no such thing as overkill. If you are using a handgun, it’s just because you did not have a bazooka or a small neutron bomb at hand.

54. Mitchell - August 29, 2010

I like my .357 magnum. It goes BOOM! really loud.

55. Michael - August 29, 2010

At the range, you have to wear ear protection. A .45 still gets attention, but it’s the muzzle flash that makes it fun. From the shooter’s perspective, focusing on the front sight like they tell you to do, the gun kicks up, and you are looking at a wall of flame.

56. Michael - August 29, 2010

The key thing (according to what I’ve read) is the follow-through after a shot, which takes practice.

Bring the gun down, breathe, re-aim, and fire again.

You want your reaction time to be better than that of your opponent.

57. daveintexas - August 29, 2010

Practice. Comfort. Know your weapon.

Know how it will protect you.. You have to feel that.

58. Michael - August 29, 2010

My point is:

(1) Don’t get into a gunfight that you did not start. You should always be the first shooter. Even if you miss, noise and muzzle flash are working for you. If you are not the first shooter, handing over your wallet and iPhone, or running away, are better options.

(2) Once you start shooting, keep it up. Feel free to empty the chamber, at least until your opponent drops. You need to suppress return fire, or even a charge by a desperate person with a knife. The cops will understand that once you started shooting, the subsequent trigger pulls were reflexive.

(3) Shoot to kill. Legally, when the smoke clears, it’s way better to have a cadaver at the scene with you than a live witness. So, don’t try to “wing” the opponent with a leg shot. Two shots to the chest as stoppers, then you go for the head shot to finish him.

(4) If this happens, after you call 911 to report the shooting, do not speak to the police. Tell them you will be happy to speak to them as soon as you are represented by counsel. (Your lawyer, FYI, will not allow you to speak to the police unless there is a signed use immunity agreement.)

59. Cathy - August 29, 2010

(2) Once you start shooting, keep it up.

Spoken like a competent LAWYER!

60. Mitchell - August 29, 2010

Getting the topic back onto Mormons, they build nice temples. Check out my picture of the one in Idaho Falls. I’m going to do a painting of that one. Is that Gabriel they always stick on top of those things?

61. Cathy - August 29, 2010

Off topic. Watch vid in this link from Geezer.

*reconsiders topic* yea! it’s on topic!*

62. Russ from Winterset - August 29, 2010

Gabriel? Why, do Mormons have some sort of fetish for the Law of the Sea?

63. Mitchell - August 29, 2010

Whups no, not Gabe – Moroni.

64. wiserbud - August 30, 2010

If I were someone who believed in trends, I’d be really concerned about the direction this blog is taking.

65. Cathy - August 30, 2010

If I were someone who believed in trends, I’d be really concerned about the direction this blog is taking.

*checks map*
*reads road signs ahead*

Honey, I think we are right on course.

66. wiserbud - August 30, 2010

she called me “honey.”


67. Michael - August 30, 2010

Whups no, not Gabe – Moroni.

Jeebers, they put the figure of a moron on top of their temples?

That’s just awesome.

68. Cathy - August 30, 2010

she called me “honey.”

A Southern gal’s term for endearment

…one of many, Sugar.

69. wiserbud - August 30, 2010



70. Barb the Evil Genius - August 30, 2010

Russ, a belated thank you.

Got my CCW here in Ohio and spent some time at the range. Being bipolar has kinda put the kibbosh on that for some time now, though. Maybe forever.

71. skinbad - August 31, 2010

1. Read some reviews on the Sigma. I kind of got scared off.

2. Pupster, if you’re fondly remembering the pistol of mine you shot, it was not an XD. It was a S&W M&P (9mm compact).

3. Yes, angel on the temple is Moroni. He was the last prophet in the Book of Mormon (Mormon was his father). That’s a nice photo, Enas/Mitchell.

72. Pupster - August 31, 2010

Who had the XD?

I’m going crazy.

73. Pupster - August 31, 2010


You had Cathy worried sick.

74. daveintexas - August 31, 2010

Didn’t Sobek have an XD?

75. skinbad - August 31, 2010

Crazy summer. Come back and take me to lunch and I’ll tell you about it. Sobek had an XD but I don’t think he brought it to the Superbowl moron-fest.

76. Pupster - August 31, 2010


Your S&W M&P was nice, too.

I shot somebody’s XD somewhere. And I liked it.

77. Cathy - August 31, 2010

I shot somebody’s XD somewhere. And I liked it.

Wow! Speed-reading had me reading is as…

“I shot somebody… and I liked it.”

78. Russ from Winterset - September 1, 2010

Well, if it happened in Reno, I think I know what the motive was.

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