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We’ve Got Psalms in the Bog!! July 25, 2006

Posted by Lipstick in History, Religion.
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The timing on this is amazing:


Irish archaeologists Tuesday heralded the discovery of an ancient book of psalms by a construction worker who spotted something while driving the shovel of his backhoe into a bog.

The approximately 20-page book has been dated to the years 800-1000. Trinity College manuscripts expert Bernard Meehan said it was the first discovery of an Irish early medieval document in two centuries.

This is really a miracle find,” said Pat Wallace, director of the National Museum of Ireland.  “There’s two sets of odds that make this discovery really way out. First of all, it’s unlikely that something this fragile could survive buried in a bog at all, and then for it to be unearthed and spotted before it was destroyed is incalculably more amazing.”

He said an engineer was digging up bogland last week to create commercial potting soil somewhere in Ireland’s midlands when, “just beyond the bucket of his bulldozer, he spotted something.”

The book was found open to a page describing, in Latin script, Psalm 83, in which God hears complaints of other nations’ attempts to wipe out the name of Israel.

Psalm 83

A song. A psalm of Asaph.

 1 O God, do not keep silent;
       be not quiet, O God, be not still. 

2 See how your enemies are astir,
       how your foes rear their heads. 

3 With cunning they conspire against your people;
       they plot against those you cherish. 

4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
       that the name of Israel be remembered no more.” 

5 With one mind they plot together;
       they form an alliance against you-

. . . .    

13 Make them like tumbleweed, O my God,
       like chaff before the wind. 

14 As fire consumes the forest
       or a flame sets the mountains ablaze, 

. . . . 

17 May they ever be ashamed and dismayed;
       may they perish in disgrace. 

18 Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD—
       that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.

Getting Shivved Still Sucks–Even if it’s Like a Viking July 25, 2006

Posted by skinbad in Crime, Religion.
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“Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it.”

Asatru, often referred to as “Odinism” is a polytheistic religion whose Gods include Thor and Odin. It’s gaining popularity in prisons in the U.S. and seems to have a white supremacist undercurrent.

One practicing inmate is scheduled to die because he stabbed a fellow inmate dozens of times at an altar because that inmate wasn’t “taking the religion seriously and he had to die to protect the honor of the Gods.”

A 1999 FBI report on domestic terrorism described Odinism as a “white supremacist ideology that lends itself to violence.”

“What makes Odinists dangerous is the fact that many believe in the necessity of becoming martyrs for their cause,” the report said.

However, adherents dispute the notion that violence or white supremacy has anything to do with this religion:

Other followers call the religion misunderstood and say most adherent inmates do not use it to further violent agendas. . . .

Such comments are typical of those who don’t understand Asatru, said Jane Ruck, who runs the National Prison Kindred Alliance and ministers to Asatru inmates. White supremacists make up only a small portion of Asatruars, and most inmates who follow the religion do not use it to push hate-filled, violent agendas, she said.

Now if you’re minding your own business, peacefully worshipping Thor in your cell while grinding the end of your toothbrush to a fine point, I apologize. It does kind of suck when crazies who are associated with your religion do something that reflects badly on your beliefs. But I just can’t quite shake the thought that I’ve heard some other religion defended in these terms often and recently. Almost like it’s been in the news or something. I don’t know. Maybe some of you can put me some f’n knowledge here.

What’s for lunch? July 25, 2006

Posted by kevlarchick in Philosophy.
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Me hungry.  That trumps work.   Let’s see…Quarter Pounder, chili spaghetti (Skyline), big sub sammich, fried chicken, White Castle…

Man do I miss Whataburger.  And Sonic.

Goodbye My Crimefighting Friend July 24, 2006

Posted by BrewFan in Crime, Heroes.
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Lacie 11/23/93 – 7/24/2006

I hope you all don’t mind. Just my little tribute to a good and faithful friend.

Retrosexuals: Hollywood’s new leading men July 23, 2006

Posted by Michael in Movies.
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Aniston, Vaughn

While Jennifer Aniston’s ex-husband Brad Pitt was the ultimate metrosexual, her new sweetie, actor Vince Vaughn is a retrosexual.

Updated: 6:20 p.m. ET July 23, 2006

Where’s the beef?

Well, it’s certainly back, especially in Hollywood, where being a bit hairy and showing a little paunch isn’t necessarily such a bad thing anymore.

Behold, the era of the everything-old-is-new-again “retrosexual” is upon us. And the celebrity set is leading the charge.

Cool.  I’m not a slob, I’m a Retrosexual.  I’m going to own Paris Hilton.

You probably already know the “metrosexual,” or at least you’ve maybe heard of him. It’s that guy who, just when you are finally relaxing into your heated spa chair, shows up to get a pedicure all for himself. He dresses well, trims all unnecessary body hair, and spends more time in the gym than watching the game.

By contrast, a “retrosexual” is a manly man, an alpha male who may have the physique of a Shar-Pei dog (a little wrinkly and flabby, yet endearing), the manners of a 5-year-old (the kind who makes armpit farting noises at the dinner table) and the ability to pull you in for a hot, sweaty kiss and then go right out and fix your darn car.

I don’t actually fix cars any more, but I do have the manners of a 5-year-old, so I think I still qualify.

Bill Van Parys, Executive Editor of Details magazine, isn’t exactly impressed with a celebrity who can’t keep himself looking nice in public.

“I honestly think some people are just looking to validate their sloppy appearance … there are certainly some actors who could show a little more effort at public events, instead of showing up at premieres in bowling shirts or what not,” Van Parys told Access Hollywood.

I never heard of Bill Van Parys before, but the name alone tells you he’s a poofter.  Kiss my hairy flabby ass, Bill.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, at 11:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 23, 2006, I have ensured that this day will not be the first day in the history of Innocent Bystanders where we did not have a single new post.

Retrosexuals: Hollywood’s new leading men – Access Hollywood – MSNBC.com

Scientific Study: Men lose brainpower when they sleep with women July 22, 2006

Posted by Elzbth in Ducks, Science.
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Researchers in Europe have been studying male brainpower.  They presented their finding last week at the Forum of European Neurosciences in Vienna. Here is what they had to say:

A man’s brainpower, scientists say, can be damaged by sharing a bed. When they spend the night with a partner, their sleep patterns are disturbed, whether they make love or not.

This leads to poorer mental agility the next day.

Women do not suffer from the same problem. They have disturbed sleep if they share a bed, but tend to get better quality rest when they do drop off and their brain power remains undiminished.

for really surprising news click here

About Marriage -lauraw July 22, 2006

Posted by anycomments in AA - Uncategorized.
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Someone asked me a couple weeks ago to talk to a girl I don’t even know about her wedding jitters.

Its not my place and I declined of course. 

But it got me thinking about love and marriage and matchmaking and the value of advice and all that crap.

I tend to think advice on such personal things is pointless or dangerous. People do what they generally think is best for themselves anyway. Most advice requests are little more than someone looking to create some drama.

And when people do follow life-changing advice, they’ve foolishly allowed strangers to make a science experiment of them.

Nevertheless, choosing a mate and sticking with that decision over a long engagement is nerve-wracking for some people.

Allahpundit brutally reduces the thing to a race of the fittest- alpha males get all the hot chicks, the lower rung of girls don’t do so well for themselves, etc. This has its appeal- you can certainly see examples out there, like the common phenomenon of wealthy men keeping trophy wives.

But if I had to, gun to my head, pick the best question to ask yourself when evaluating a potential spouse, it would be:

“Do I want this person to be the closest member of my family to me?”

 All that alpha-beta crap kind of falls to the wayside when you view marriage as ‘family you get to choose,’ instead of ‘what can I get for my money and/or looks?’

 Allah’s alpha-beta bullshit has been bothering me for a long while as a kind of carnie trick. Pop psychology for empty people that superficially seems to make sense, but I could never really put my finger on why I thought that.

But this is why: When I got married, I asked myself what I think is the right question.

So the alpha-beta stuff just seems foreign and inhuman to me. I want a happy family. Marriage is the one chance in life you get to choose your family; why waste it trying to acquire superficial shit you may not actually be able to live with or love for long?

Idaho Sunset Alert July 22, 2006

Posted by Retired Geezer in Personal Experiences.
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Even though I don’t have time to post here at IB or at my other blog, I always take time to smell the roses and enjoy the sunsets.

I usually use a flash when taking sunset shots, it seems to help the contrast.

This is one of about 20 shots I took, standing in my friend’s driveway.

Wow. -lauraw July 22, 2006

Posted by anycomments in News.
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Mr. Hugh Jackman’s used laundry is worth more than my truck.

Sydney, Australia (AHN) — Actor Hugh Jackman’s old jeans fetch $22,476 at a fundraising auction in Sydney, Australia. They were among 17 pairs auctioned at a “Jeans for Genes” fundraising event for the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

If he washed them, the deal is off.

Net Neutrality Explained July 22, 2006

Posted by Michael in Humor.
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This post is for HayZeus, who seems to have a hard time understanding this issue.

(Plus, you get Chuck Norris kicking ass right at the end.)

Friday is upon us . . . July 21, 2006

Posted by Michael in Websites.
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. . . and the Innocent Bystanders Advice Department is open for business.  In the comment thread just below this post, our outsourced professional third world advisor has already demonstrated his expertise on the subject of BDSM practices.  One can only guess how he acquired such knowledge.

Ever wonder about kinky stuff like that?  Well, now you know who to ask!

Taking Out the Trash July 21, 2006

Posted by Michael in Websites.
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I routinely clean out the spam filter just to make it easier to spot legitimate comments that got caught erroneously.   In case you are curious about the kind of comments you are missing, I have copied below the spam that came in overnight.

  • Russian-women | divww.com/russian-women | IP: women…

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