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Oh Great! Now Monkeys Are Using Sticks On Humans! December 18, 2008

Posted by Edward von Bear in Crime, Ducks, Economics, Entertainment, Food, Handblogging, Heroes, Humor, Literature, Man Laws, News, Sex, Terrorist Hemorrhoids, Travel.
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As we all know, the words “China” and “Human Rights” go together like “Chicago” and “Clean Politicians”. I guess we can add “animal cruelty” to the mix as well. It appears as though animals sometimes get caught up in the maltreatment, especially monkeys involved in street performances.

But no longer. Monkeys are now taking it upon themselves to fight back against their owners. And what is hilarious scary is that they are using sticks to take on the cruel taskmasters.

When one of the monkeys refused to ride on a child’s bicycle in a street performance in Sizhou, in eastern China, their owner beat it with a stick.
Although they were tied to the man with ropes attached to their collars, the monkeys appear to have decided to fight back.
The two animals came to the defence of the third monkey, grabbing the stick from the man, pulling on his ear and biting his head.
When he dropped his cane, on monkey snatched it up and began beating the trainer on the head until he broke the stick, witnesses said.
The dazed trainer told his audience: “They were once wild and these performances don’t always come naturally to them. They may have built up some feelings of hatred towards me. [gee, ya think?-ed.]
Local police are apparently investigating allegations of animal cruelty and may confiscate the monkeys from the man.


Courtesy Some EuroPics Guy

Courtesy Some EuroPics Guy

Folks, lets face the facts: we all knew this day would come. First they use sticks on their trainers, next thing you know, they’ll be stealing your liquor. Screw it, we’re doomed. Might as well start drinking.


1. Pupster - December 18, 2008

Ride the bicycle you damn dirty ape!

2. Lipstick - December 18, 2008

Then they humped his wife.

3. Sobek - December 18, 2008

So apparently Michael has a deathwish.

4. Lipstick - December 18, 2008

Yes. Indeed.

5. Dull Razor » Blog Archive » Damn Dirty Apes! - December 18, 2008

[…] h/t: Innocent Bystanders […]

6. wiserbud - December 18, 2008

So apparently Michael has a deathwish.

Hey, everybody dies someday.

7. Mr Minority - December 18, 2008

Monkeys using sticks!

The next thing you know America will elect an inexperienced Black Liberal to be President.

Oh shit!!

8. Charlton Heston from Winterset - December 19, 2008



9. Wickedpinto - December 20, 2008

Hay! You leave the stick out, and let me get ahold of it, this is what happens.

10. that chick - October 20, 2009

major lols.

good on the monkey. fighting oppression.

11. i kill you - April 28, 2010

go home monkey

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